Chapter 18

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I'm going to kill him.

Richard could be astonishingly brilliant at times, but this, this was not one of those times. We were seated at a little cafe in Los Angeles. Waiting. For Steven.

The whole flight here, he hadn't said a word. And in a way, I didn't really want him to. There was nothing he could say that could make things better.

"He's going to be in this baby's life." he said out of nowhere.

"Not if he doesn't want to be."

"Viv, you are carrying his child. Of course he will."

"I can do this on my own. You didn't have to drag him into this." I argued.

"He dragged himself into this the moment he had sex with you."

I was about to retaliate when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Steven. I smiled lightly but I'm sure he saw through the facade. He took off his suit coat and sat down on the chair beside me.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, "So...a baby?"

"Your baby." Rich clarified.

"Right. Mine." Steven pulled at his tie to loosen it.

"Steven," I said softly, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to. This is neither of our faults and-"

"Don't give him a choice, Viv. It takes two to tango. So that child is his responsibility just as much as it is yours." Rich said.

He kept a cool composure but I could see it in his dark blue eyes that he was waiting for Steven to say something wrong.

"I'll take responsibility," Steven said. "I'd be an asshole if I didn't."

"Damn right." Rich muttered.

I ignored his comment. "I'm sorry if this sets anything back and I'm sure we could make it work. Maybe you can fly up to New York when the baby comes and we can-"

"Or I could always move to New York." Steven suggested.

"I can't make you do that, you have a life here."

"Vivian," he held my hand, "I'm going to be in this child's life."

I looked at him for assurance. He seemed dead set on it. I slowly nodded.

"Have you ever considered adoption?" he asked.

I saw Rich's jaw clench. "Yes, I have. But I want this. This wasn't how I pictured it happening, but I can't give it away." I answered honestly.

"Alright, I was just asking."

"Just asking or just hoping?" Rich glared.

"Alright, alright. Let's just be adults about this."

"She's right." Steven said.

"Then it's settled. When are you moving?" Rich asked.

"Rich! No need to be so straight forward."

"No it's fine, Vivian. Sometime next week. I have to sort some things out here first." Steven answered.

"Great. Viv, let's go." Rich abruptly got up.

"You're leaving already?" Steven questioned.

"Yes, we got a round trip ticket. And we leave tomorrow afternoon." Rich replied.

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