Chapter 19

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"Everything's gonna be alright. Hang in there." Steven cooed.

At this point, his words of encouragement just pissed me off. No, everything's not going to be alright. And no, I am barely hanging in there.

I was currently puking my guts out in the toilet bowl. Thank god I tied my hair up this morning. It's like just when I think I'm done, I'm going another round. The familiar taste of vomit was in my mouth and I have to seriously use half a bottle of mouth wash to make it go away. I made sure to buy the mouth wash in bulk. I'd say 14 bottles will be enough. Hopefully.

I made sure to breath in and out slowly. As I calmed my breathing, Steven was rubbing circles on my lower back and making sure my hair wouldn't fall. He's been great but sometimes his niceness just pissed me off. I blame the hormones for making me feel this way.

I was dry heaving over the bowl for a good ten minutes before I was sure I was done. Steven helped me up and walked me over to the sink. This was basically procedure since last week. At 6 weeks, I hadn't felt nauseous at all and I thought I was lucky and could escape this part but Mother Nature had other plans. Now at 10 weeks and I had to throw up every few hours.

It was too soon for me to be showing. The doctor said that I would have an actual baby bump growing in my second trimester, but for now, puking and exhaustion are my best friends. Unfortunately.

"You ok?"

As I swished mouth wash back and forth, I looked at Steven through the mirror. I spit out the mouth wash and cleansed my mouth.

"Does it look like I'm ok? I just puked for the third time today and all you can say is 'you ok' ?!" I yelled.

"Vivian, you need to rest." he calmly suggested.

I glared at him. "No, shit Sherlock."

He looked at me sympathetically and helped me to bed. For a while, he just stood there as I lie in bed. I let out a breathe.

"I'm sorry. All the symptoms are getting to me."

"No, it's fine. I guess it's kind of expected." he smiled slightly. "You need anything?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm good. You don't have to stand you know."

I slid over to the other side and patted the spot beside me. He looked surprised but quickly removed his shoes and sat beside me, leaning on the headboard.

"It's all going to turn out right in the end, isn't it?" I asked as I leaned my head on his lap.

His fingers slowly brushed back my bangs. "Yeah, it will. It will."

It sounded like he was trying to convince himself rather then me. But I couldn't blame him. It all seems so real now.

I looked up at him. His chocolatey hair fell over his forehead and his dark eyes were worried. This was just a big a deal for me as it was for him.

His fingers played gently with my hair. I grabbed onto his hand and just held it. Held it for strength. Held it for assurance. But most of all, I held it for hope. Hope that everything really will be okay.


"Morning, sleepy head."

"Morning." I muttered.

Steven was decked out in a suit and he looked so very clean cut. While I, I looked like trailer trash. That's not an understatement either. My hair was all knotted up from sleeping on it, I had on my snoopy pajama pants and my tank top was all wrinkly. I'm sure my face didn't look too pleasing either.

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