□Forks High School□

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I'm doing my best 😆


Here I am getting ready for Forks High school. Let me just say that I am sooo excited.. sikE

I blasted my music "Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez" as I was heading to school. Once I entered the school I parked my car in the parking lot, turned off my music and just when I came out I noticed the many people were gawking over me and my car. I didn't focus on the stares and entered the

office to get my schedule but I guess the lady was surprised as well because she just kept staring at me.

Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day.


My family and I were in the parking lot chatting about my "situation" with Bella Swan when all of a sudden Alice gets a
I entered her vision with my gift to see someone coming into school with a really nice car, but I couldn't see who was driving it because of the tinted windows. It must be a new student. Just when I was about to ask Emmet beats me to it.

" What is it alice???"Emmet asks.
"There's a new student coming in today."alice squeals

" well who?"Emmet starts getting impatient for answers. Alice goes to say something but Rosalie buts in
"Why would it matter anyways. It will just turn out to be a needy awkward, troublesome human looking for answers for the supernatural. JUST to get us all into trouble.!" Rosalie exclaims
Her mind just screams out to me "Stupid humans" "stupid Edward" "Stupid Bella Swan" Rosalie has strong feelings towards Bella who just moved here 2 days ago. Saying she will get us all into trouble by the volturi.

"I don't know who-" Alice gets cut off by music coming coming from the white vehicle coming into the school. Wow. There isn't a speck of dust on the piece of beauty coming into view. Rosalie LOVES this song. I know because when Emmett painted my car pink, that was all we heard playing in the car when i had to catch a ride to school and because she always and I mean ALWAYS puts it on replay. Now back to the new student.

We couldn't see her face because she headed straight to the office without a second glance ignoring the stares given to her. I could sense some humans jealousy coming from Jasper.
"I guess that's her! I want to meet her!" Alice squeals
"No, alice the bell rings in a minute we have to get to class or we'll be late. " Rosalie says.
"Oh, okay maybe I'll have classes with her!"Alice squeals yet again. Rosalie rolls her eyes "oh boy"



Once I got my schedule I looked it over for my classes.

Mr.Mason AP English 1ST

Mr.Varner Trigonometry 2ND

Mrs. Goff Spanish 3RD

Mr. Jefferson Government 4TH

Coach Clapp Sports 5TH

Mr. Molina Biology (film) 6TH

At my old school there were 5 periods a day. This is a great school it has only four periods a day, and can I also talk about how great the weather is !
I've traveled a lot and there were small towns but Forks has a very small population. I think that's why I chose this place.

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