E.C & S.U shifts

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Ill edit whatever mistakes I made later. I'm too lazy :(

Sheilana Uley

I woke up feeling like my entire body was being crushed . I couldn't handle the pain, and the heat that my body was radiating didn't help and it definitely didn't ease the pain.

I tried to hold in the scream that was about to erupt from my mouth, but I couldn't hold it in much longer.

"Sam, help me !" I let out a sob.
I could feel the tears moving rapidly down my face and at this point the pain had gotten more intense. I literally felt my bone snap.

I heard heavy footsteps heading towards my room and saw him burst into the room. He saw the state I was in and let out a heavy sigh.

"Oh, shei" his voice sounded as if he was in pain.

At least you're not the one that has to deal with their bones breaking. I thought bitterly. The pain was too much for me to handle.

I let out another painful sob as I felt my leg twist into a weird position.

"HELP ME SAM!" I yelled out. He managed to lift me up and carry me outside the house but not before telling Emily to call Billy black. I couldn't even bare to look at Emily not wanting to see the tears that were streaming down her face as I hear her sniffle.

Sam continued on walking till we were in the woods. He set me down on the forest floor.

"Calm down shei" he says. I glare at him through my tear filled eyes.

"How could I calm down when I'm in pain Sam." I said through gritted teeth

"You shouldn't fight it Shei, it's only gonna make it worse. Don't fight it just let go." He instructed. I don't know why but I started shaking while he spoke and when he finished talking, I was shaking uncontrollably.

I heard someone yell my name. I turned to see Paul and Jared looking at me with worry, that only made me angrier. I didn't know what was wrong with me.

I soon felt my bones snapping and that caused me to yell out in pain. By now I had tears of anger.

Angry that I was the one that was in pain.

I could hear my clothes ripping and at that moment I was BEYOND angry. Before I knew it, I was looking down at my paws that replaced my hands and the white fur that oh my...

I felt a little dizzy and just before darkness consumed me the last thought I had was

I just turned into a freaking wolf


Samuel Uley

I carried Shei's wolf form back to the house and waited for Billy to arrive. Jared and Paul were asking me questions nonstop about how this could have happened knowing that no girl had ever phased in Quilette history.
This wasn't normal

Then again, shei was never normal to begin with.

It was early in the morning when Shei shifted and she had school but I couldn't send her to school when she was in this state.

So I sent Jared and Paul to school, they protested wanting to stay with Shei and get answers but they couldn't disobey me since I ordered them back to school and they couldn't fight an alphas command.

Shei was out for the whole day because her body was still very weak from shifting and her fighting it.

"She'll be fine Sam" Emily says bringing me out of my thoughts as she lays a hand over my shoulder.

"I know, but I just hate that she has the same fate as—" I stop myself and let out a sigh. Emily hugs me and at times like this.. I'm beyond grateful that I have found my imprint.

"What would I do without you ?" I question as I hug her back and hear the beautiful sound of her giggles.

"Goals.." I hear a raspy voice whisper. I turn to Shei in shock and see her staring at us fondly with a smile.

Emily gasps and goes to hug her body but retreats a little when Shei flinches as her body was still hurting. She pulls the blanket that Emily gave her further up her body as she sees her form.

"How are you feeling Shei, are you still hurting?" Emily asks with concern. I chuckle lightly when Shei looks up at me with shock when Emily tugs her blanket off her to check if there were any injuries.

"Emily calm down " she tells my worried imprint with a light laugh

"How are you feeling?" I ask her

"A little sore but nothing I can't handle." She grins and I shake my head with a smile. That's my little wolf.

"We tried calling Billy to come and explain to you about what you are, but he seems busy at the moment." She nods but then realizes what I said.

"What do you mean by what I am. Am I not like you, Paul and Jared?" She asks with worry clearly shown in her eyes

"You don't need to be worried about it. All we have to be worried about is —" I got cut of by the phone ringing and I go to pick it up

"Hello, its Sam speaking." I say. In the background I hear a growl and my senses perk up

"Sam, its Jared. Embry phased. " Jared says with shock laced in his voice

"I'll be right there" I say with the same tone he has. I was in shock

"What's wrong?" Emily asks me.

"Embry phased " They both look up at me in surprise. Before they could say anything I continued

"He wasn't supposed to phase."


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