Bella meets the Cullen Family

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I added "Emmett's day" as a bonus because why not?

((Sheis POV))

At this moment I'm getting ready to to go to the Cullen's house because today they are all meeting Bella.

((Esme Cullen's POV))
"Is she even Italian?" Rose mutters angrily. She's still against the idea of having relations with Bella or any other human. I hope all goes well.

"Her name is Bella "  Emmett says. We all laugh at that. Rosalie, Carlisle, and I are in the kitchen cooking. Emmett is just watching me cook while Alice and jasper are out somewhere. Edward is out picking up Bella.

Sheilana enters the room with a bright smile. She lights up when she sees the food and practically runs for it.

"Yay! Food!" She goes to the counter licking her lips drooling over the food.
Emmett tries to steer her away but fails miserably.

"Hey, no!" He scolds her playfully. She pouts and slumps in one of the stools.

"But I can't wait. Bella will come late. I'm staaarving." She whines and drags out the a in the last sentence. Emmett goes to say something but we hear movements and we already know who it is.

"Oh. Here comes the human." Rosalie grumbles out. We see Edward walking in with Bella. She looks nervous.

" Bella. We're making Italiano for you." I smile at her. She smiles back.

"This is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes." Edward tells her.

"Bon giorno?" She tries to speak the language.

"Molto bene!" I tell her back. It is now Carlisle that speaks up.

"You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the second time." Bella looks confused for a moment.

"Second time?" She questions. We point to Shei whose already digging in on the food. She sheepishly smiles at us which looks cute because she has some sauce on her mouth that makes her look like a child. She brings out the motherly side of me the most out of all my kids. I didn't even notice that's she was eating already.

Emmett lets out a booming laugh and goes to wipe her mouth with a napkin.
*goals* we smile. They have the closest relationship.

Bella looks even more confused as to why Shei is here. "Shei knows our secret. She's an angel." Edward blurts out. Shei pouts at Emmett who does the same movements as her and they both turn to glare at Edward.

"Thanks for just blurting it out Edwardo." Edward then glares at Shei resulting in her grinning and Emmett letting out another round of laughter.

"What?" Bella questions. "I'll explain later" Edward tells her. Then silence.

"I hope you're hungry." I ask her. Happy that she gets to try my cooking.

"Oh. Absolutely-"

"She already ate." Edward says. Bella shoots him a look. All of a sudden we hear a shattering of glass. We shifted out eyes to Rosalie with crushed bowl
Pieces in her hands and some on the floor.

"Perfect!" She strides out.

"I just assumed-- because you don't eat, you know.." She looks defeated. I can tell she felt really bad. So I try reassuring her it's all right.

"Of course. That was very considerate of you."

"Ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward tells Bella. Rosalie glares at him. I am truly disappointed right now by their behavior.

"Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us." She spat angrily at Edward.

"I would never, ever tell anyone." Bella tells us.

"She knows that." Carlisle reassures her.

"The problem is, you two have gone public now, so..." Emmett says.

"Emmett." I scold him

"No, she should know." Rosalie then turns to Bella. " -The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

"...badly?" Bella asks nervously. There was an uncomfortable silence. Edward couldn't look at her.  A moment later after realizing "-oh. Badly. Like where I become the meal."

The whole family had to at least smile at her. Emmett had choked up a laugh. Even I laughed slightly. Rosalie just heads back into the kitchen, exasperated. Emmett shrugs and goes after her.

Alice and jasper walk in. "Hi Bella." Alice happily strides over her to kiss her cheek. " I'm Alice, you do smell good." Edward then goes to warn her.

"It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends." Bella extends her hand to jasper.

"And you're jasper right?" But jasper shies away from her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." I can see jasper is trying to control himself.

Alice gently encourages him " it's okay. You won't hurt her jasper." He still isn't so sure. Edward shoots Alice a look as if saying "really?" Edward takes her hand.

"I'll give you a tour of the house."

"I'll see you soon." Alice tells Bella. Edward shoots Alice another look.

At least there isn't anymore commotion between the previous two. I swear Edward and Rosalie might as well end up killing each other... Not funny Esme. We're already dead! Don't make any jokes about it!

As Bella and Edward come back from the tour they hear a beautiful melody and walk over to see what that was.
The whole family gather to see where it came from and spot Shei on Edwards piano playing a beautiful tune.
They all were in awe at the sight. She played professionally with her eyes closed just listening to the tune. Her fingers moved swiftly and had no trouble at all playing the notes. They sat on the sofa and just listened as Shei played her heart out on this song. She let all her worries, troubles, and feelings out while playing. Jasper was overwhelmed by her many, many, many feelings she had at the moment. Edward was overwhelmed too by her thoughts. She had many worries, fears, and intense feelings about many things. They both were equally surprised by what was going on but still payed attention to her playing. The two shared a knowing look and looked back at the girl whom they now know that was strong, yet so fragile. She never knew what it meant to be loved. She never had true friends who wouldn't stab her in the back and she never had someone who was just there for her when growing up. She was alone. Her family was all about being successful and never actually had family time together. They weren't a normal family. She wanted to experience the normal things in life but was kept from it. She had been reminded constantly of being perfect from her parents that she hadn't even experienced real love from them. Edward read in her mind that she had cried some times at her home when she was alone as a kid and growing up because she was never treated as a normal kid with her parents love and support. But with their money, and constant nagging at becoming perfect. All her memories came back to when she was being ignored by her parents because they were either too busy or too tired from their jobs. But now they were gone by a a car accident that occurred only two days ago. She was shocked, angry, and sad. She was angry at herself that she couldn't be there when they were both suffering from a coma.She had a couple tears that fell from her eyes that shocked the Cullens. Emmett went up to her as she stopped playing and wrapped her in his arms tightly. She was sobbing a little harder now and held onto him just as tight. When Emmett lessened the tightness of his hold she took that chance and ran out to go home. Emmett was about to run after her but Edward stopped him. He and Jasper explained the situation and all were shocked and sad for the little angel. Shei was alone in the world. She had no one.

But that was all about to change...

How'd I do???💃😃🙊

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