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The first time I saw Amberle Foster she was sitting on a stool in Hanks classroom. Her back was to the open window that had sun shinning through, illuminating her blonde hair and making her look like some ethereal being as she sat with Hanks notes and a class book on her lap. She was wearing a yellow skirt and a light jean shirt tucked in, her hands were covered in white silk gloves that she only wore when she dressed nice, and her hair was pulled back (which I would learn later on was an everyday thing- she hardly wore her hair down)

It was the first day back to classes after the whole ordeal with apocalypse and I was eating up all the attention I was getting from being there for the fight. I wore my best outfit for that day- my cleanest jeans with a black shirt tucked in and a leather jacket that had a red strip going down the front, and my fancy glasses of course. Basically- I felt like a badass.

But while everyone was looking at me and asking me about the fight, She didn't.

And that's why she caught my attention.

She just acted like I wasn't in the room, Hanks notes too important to bother with lil' Scott Summers and I couldn't stand that. So I walked right up to her while she sat on that stool, ignoring everyone's gazes as I did and asked "Are you new or something?"  And that was the very first thing I ever asked Amberle Foster.

When she looked up to me with her mixed eyes I swear the world stopped.

Her right eye was a light shade of gold, almost like a really light hazel with the sun shining through it. While her left was the brightest shade of blue I have ever seen on a person, I would never be able to look at the ocean without thinking of her ever again.

"Excuse me?" She asked with a perked eyebrow, her gloved fingers frozen on the page she was reading before I interrupted her. She had a southern accent that obviously suggested she was not from this part of the country at all. A few pieces of her curly blonde hair had fallen out from her bun and framed her face in a lovely way, the sun still illuminating her face.

I had to clear my throat "I asked if you were new here" I shuffled awkwardly before reminding myself that I was Scott Summers aka one of the people to help stop the world from ending I should not be awkward in front of some girl.

Little did I know that Amberle Foster was not just "some girl"

"I have been here since the first day we were allowed to be, so about a week ago. Why do you ask?" Her brow cocked slightly as she sat up straighter on the stool, her gloved hands still gripping the notes and book. This time I raised my brow, had she really been here as long as everyone else has? How could I possibly not have seen her before today?

I shook my head "how come you're not acting like everyone else then?"

Her face turned to astonished, her mouth opening as if she couldn't believe I had just asked her what I did. I frowned at her, not quite sure what she was thinking. But what I didn't know what the time was that Amberles mutation allowed her to get a glimpse of what someone was thinking.

"Are you serious?" She asked me with the astonished look still on her face, I frowned at her still confused. I pursed my lips before looking around and then nodding my head at her. She scoffed at me before clamping her book shut "I think you should go sit down before class begins" she nodded her head over to the desks before standing from her stool.

I blinked at her and little surprised by her bossy command "what are you in charge here or something?" I crossed my arms over my leather clad chest, trying to stand tall- which was a bit difficult since she was only a few inches shorter than me. She simply snorted before chuckling lightly "just sit down big time" she walked around me, brushing past my shoulder and I got a whoof of flowers from her.

She was placing the notes and book on the desk in the front of the room when Hank walked in, with two cups of coffee in his hand and a armful of notes. His eyes light at he looked at the class, a smile on his face as he walked over to his desk where Amberle was. I stood there confused when he handed one of the coffees to her and nodded, she thanked him before going back to her stool with her mug in hand.

"Scott? Please find a seat, class is about to start kid" Hank looked at me with a perplexed look on his face, probably confused as to why I was standing in the front of the class like I owned the room. I nodded my head and mumbled an apology before making my way to one of the only empty seats in the room and plopping down.

Hank moved to the front of room and clamping his hands together "Alright class!  Welcome back to school! I'm sure everyone had a great mini break while we got the school rebuilt" he smiled warmly at everyone in the class. I'm sure most were not exactly feeling excited to be back for classes.

He cleared his throat "And this is my assistant for this class- Amberle Foster. She's advanced in the history of, well basically everything. She is here to help so if you ever have any questions, you are more than welcome to ask her for help." He motioned to her as she stood from her stool, she clasped her hands behind her back and nodded her head to the class "Don't be afraid to ask any questions, I'm here to help and I'd love to help you all as much as I can" she smiled to the class, her mixed eyes twinkling.

A few mourners went off around the class before Hank clamped his hands together again, signaling the begin of class again.

As Hank droned on and on about what we were going to be covering on this term, I zoned out and thought of the pair of mixed eyes that would soon be the center of my world.

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