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"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

It was the last night that Scott and I were staying with my grandparents, and to say I was feeling rather down about it was a understatement. I loved having him and my grandparents around, not that I didn't enjoy my time at the school- it was just nice to get away from so many emotions and people. But as time goes, this lovely little dream was coming to end.

I was also rather disappointed that Scott and I didn't get as much alone time as I had hoped, but with my grandparents around it was rather hard to get away from them unless it was time for bed. But it wasn't meant to be I suppose, I thought as I climbed into my bed for the last night, pulling the covers around me as I tucked in to keep warm.

I could sense Scotts emotions, I assumed he was still up reading a couple of the comics I had gotten him for Christmas- he was feeling anxious. I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lips, I was glad he was feeling something while reading- that was always my favorite part.

I closed my eyes and thought about how everything was going to go back to normal once we got back, he would go back to being super cool, popular Scott Summers while I went back to being the weird girl who couldn't touch people.

I knew that nothing would ever change between Scott and I, but I did have hope that maybe something would have changed while we were here. But I should have known not to get my hopes up for too much change.

I was nearly asleep when I heard the rasping at my door, at first I thought it was part of my near dream. But then when it continued, I woke up a bit and rubbed my eyes.

"Amb? You awake?" I heard Scott whisper from the other side of the old wooden door. I felt my heart skip a beat and a smile tug on my lips before I cleared my throat "yeah, yeah I'm awake" I managed out from my unclear throat. I peeled the blankets off before shuffling over to the door and clearing my throat, I placed a gloveless hand on the door before opening it up. Revealing a disheveled Scott Summers in sweats and a t-shirt, his hair an array and his shades crooked on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I whispered as I looked down the hallway on his right, seeing nothing I look back to him to see him shuffling his feet "Nothings wrong, I just wanted to-" his brow twitched as he rubbed the hair on the back of his head "Talk" he managed to get out. I felt my heart leap to my throat as I released my hands from the door, tugging on the ends of my sweatshirt "Okay, what about?" I asked.

He sighed deeply before looking anywhere but my eyes "I just want to talk about how we, the two of us- are going to be when we get back"

At his words I felt my mouth go dry, I shuffled from foot to foot as I tried to think of something to say "what do you mean?" I managed to spill out. He was looking me in my eyes now, but it was me who wasn't meeting his gaze- I found my wool clad feet suddenly very interesting for the moment. I tried to keep the panic within me at bay, I knew that this was going to happen! A boy like Scott Summers did not go for a girl like me, and I knew that. Yet I couldn't stop trying for him, I wanted to be his so badly, that I didn't stop and rationalize everything. I felt like such an idiot for thinking that there could be a us.

"I just mean that I wanted to know where we stand, I like you a lot but-" I shook my head and interrupted him, "Scott, it's okay. You don't have to sugar coat it or anything, I know. I know that when we go back it'll be just like it was before, and that's okay. I think I knew that the whole time being here, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up because it's just yeah. It's okay though, don't feel bad or anything, I understand. You're Scott Summers and I'm just me, it's okay really" I offered him a small smile as I waited for him to say goodnight and then we could move on with our lives, but instead he stood there with his mouth hanging open.

"You're just you? What does that mean? Wait no- that's not what I meant. What are you talking about?" He was frowning as he looked at me through his red goggles, his mouth still hanging open slightly as we stood there. I crossed my arms in a relaxed manner before leaning against the framing of the door, I really didn't want to keep talking about this- I wanted to just end it like ripping off a band aid and move on.

"You know what I mean, you don't have to pretend to like me or anything. I get it, we go back and you go back to being the "it" boy and I go back and just, exist." I managed to get a small reassuring smile on my face as I felt my heart ache with my own words. This wasn't what I wanted at all, but I knew that Scott didn't want this and I wasn't going to be the reason he was unhappy.

Scott looked at me like I had just told him I had an alien twin sister, his mouth was still hanging open and his posture inclined that he was at a loss of words. He recovered though and shook his head "No that is not what I want" he let out a large breath "That is not what I want at all Amb"

I felt myself freeze at his words and when he grabbed my face in his warm, calloused hands and crashed his lips onto mine. I was still frozen for a moment before I reacted, I gingerly placed my gloveless hands on the front of his t-shirt- trying to be careful not to make contact with his skin and my hands. I swear there we fireworks dancing behind my eyes as our lips moved together, he was by far- the best kisser I had ever been with.

His emotions hit me like a train as I relaxed more, I let them in and I was immediacy engulfed by warmth. I almost felt like I was standing near the fireplace as we continued our embrace, his emotions emitting that he too was feeling rather warm and giddy.

Once we pulled back, he kept me close. He was resting his head against mine, our noses almost touching "I've been wanting to do that for a long time, I don't think you have any idea how badly I've wanted to kiss you" he whispered out, his breath fanning my lips as I itched to kiss him again. I smiled "I think I have a clue or two" I breathed out before reconnecting our lips, this time I pulled him even closer to my body, still careful not to make contact with his skin and my hands.

I heard a low chuckle emit from his chest as he smiled into our kiss "Well then I guess we gotta keep kissing to make up for lost time" he said against my lips before pecking mine again and again. I giggled like a young school girl "I guess so" I said before tugging him into my room and shutting the door gently.

☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾

Don't worry, they didn't fondue or anything... yet.
Just straight fluff for you all because I feel bad that it's been a long time since I updated, college started and life's been crazy with classes and volleyball.
I'll try and be better for you all because you are all wonderful beings who deserve it.


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