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I could hardly contain the butterflies in my stomach as Scott Drove us to get milkshakes from a 24/7 diner in the nearest city. The bright lights that shone most at night were casting shadows across his face every so often, making him even more aesthetically pleasing than he already was. Causing a stirring to appear within me that I had never felt before, for anyone.

He insisted on taking one of the schools trucks, leaving the back window open and both of our windows, making my hair come loose from its bun. Curly locks made looking around at the bright city (and Scott) a tad difficult. But I managed to get glimpses of his features every now and then, the small smile on his face as he hummed along to the song that was playing- "let's dance" by David Bowie. He seemed to know every word to the song, since he was bobbing his head slightly and thumping his thumbs on the steering wheel.

I smiled softly at the sight of him, the city lights casting their glow on him, a smile on his face as he focused on the road and listened to a favorite song of his. I decided in that very moment that this is what I wanted, to see him happy.

If that meant it wasn't with me, then so be it. But I'd rather him be happy for as long as he possibly could be than be unhappy with me. I didn't know if I'd ever get another moment like this with him again, so I hummed along to the song too and closed my eyes. Feeling happy and light as the old truck took down the streets with David Bowie singing and the windows rolled down.

I pulled my hair out and let it fly, I'm sure it was looking horrible in what was left of the bun anyways. Tugging the hair tie out I ran my hands through my hair a bit, trying to make it look half decent before turning the nob up on the radio.

"So you do know this song!" I heard Scott half laugh, he had to shout a little due to the wind. I smiled and nodded "I don't live under a rock" I laughed back. Sticking my hand out the window I let my hand glide with the wind "Are we almost there yet? We're getting pretty far into the city" I turned to look at him, lights flashing across his fancy shades. He let out a short laugh "You not enjoying the car ride or something?" He asked.

I shook my head "No, actually I am enjoying the car ride. I like not being cramped with five other people, I was just curious" I chuckled lightly- "I took the long way" he turned his head for a moment to look at me, before returning his attention back to the road. I frowned at this momentarily before nodding my head "I see, it is really lovely here in the evening" I was looking out the window- oblivious to Scott as he looked at me again.

"Yeah it is."

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I held the door for her as we entered the brightly lit diner, neon pink and blue seeming to be the theme here "thanks" I heard her say quietly before I led her over to a booth, the beat up seats cracked and spilling their fluffy insides as we sat down. I watched her as she looked around the place, taking in the old signs that still some how managed to light up.

A waitress came over with a bright smile on her face, I glanced at my watch to note that it was probably almost the end of her shift and that was why she was so happy "menus? Or just shakes today?" Her bubbly voice reminded me of an alarm, too high pitched for my liking. I looked to Amberle to see if she wanted any food with her shake but she simply shook her head, seeming to understand my question before I even voiced it- it was probably her mind thing, she already knew my question before I even asked.

"I'll just have a strawberry shake" I nodded to the waitress who quickly wrote down my flavor, turning to face Amberle "And for you dear?" She asked. Amberle scrunched her nose up (which was completely adorable by the way) before letting out a breath "I'll just have a vanilla one please" she smiled up to the woman as she wrote down what she wanted. She nodded at us once before sending a wink my way and heading off. She must've thought we were on a date- I wish. Soon maybe I'll get the guts to ask her on a official date, but Jean said I should take my time and make things last with Amberle, and I agreed. I was having a real hard time not looking for the blonde in every crowded room. She simply was the most beautiful girl I had ever encountered and I knew that I wanted to be with her from the moment I saw her- well almost.

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now