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I stared at my hands as I sat on my bed, the snow and rain was pounding on my window outside. The stormy weather had stopped anyone from leaving, so the entire academy was indoors for the night. A few groups decided to bunk together for the night, several children were in one room as they were scared of the raging storm outside, much weren't used to not having their parents there to comfort them.

Jean and Jubilee were currently holding up with several of those kids, trying to tell them stories to keep their attention away from the storm. Curt and Peter were also doing that, helping the kids by playing board games with them. Both groups had brought hot chocolate and blankets for the younger children, calling the gathering a "Massive sleepover"- trying to make the kids feel better. The professor had told the older kids to try and comfort the younger ones since this was the biggest storm in our area since 1963, which I don't think a lot of the younger kids quite understood, but either way it was a big storm- and Ororo had not caused it.

I wasn't sure where Scott was currently, but that was the least of my worries at the moment. I was far more concerned about what had just happened several minutes ago. I could help the fear that I felt as I looked down at my hands, the usual gloves were gone- leaving my flesh bare to the world. Freckles decorated my hands like constellations, my skin was smooth since I had never let my hands be exposed before.

I brought my hands to chest and leaned my chin down to rest atop of them, I felt the fear within me grow as I thought more and more about what was happening. There was something wrong, something was really wrong and I had no idea what it was. I moved my legs so they were tucked underneath me, I froze when I heard foot steps outside my door. I hoped it wasn't anyone looking for me, I needed to figure out was wrong with me before I could console with anyone- and frankly, I didn't have the energy to deal with anyone at the moment.

Luckily it wasn't anyone looking for me, the foot steps continued down the hallway. I visibly relaxed before bringing my hands away from my chest and looking down at them again. They looked so normal, so how did they do the thing earlier? I flexed them a few times, hoping to recreate what they had already done. I was so confused about what was going on, I frowned deeply as I tried to think of a logical answer. But I couldn't really come to any sort of conclusion- what I needed to do was go talk to the professor, he or Hank could help me figure out what was happening.

I was lost in my thoughts until my door opening broke me away, I immediately brought my hands back to my chest and turned my head to look at who had entered my room. My eyes widened as I saw Scott standing there completely soaked to the bone, drops of water falling to the wooden floor beneath him. His blue hoodie was a completely different shade than what it normally was and his jeans looked about ten pounds heavier verse when they were dry, his goggles were dotted with droplets of water. He smiled at me before walking over and pressing a kiss to the top of my head, "The storm outside is crazy, and trying to find the dog was ridiculous. Couldn't even see five feet in front of my face, let alone a dog" he walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair sweats and a new hoodie- it was from a pile of his clothes he left in my room, that way if he stayed the night in here he had something for the next day.

"It's really crazy out there, I'm honestly a tad surprised it's not Ororo- it's insane" he walked into the bathroom and shut the door while he changed, I could hear him humming from the other side of the door. I relaxed a bit before looking back down at my hands, should I tell him? I mean he was my boyfriend, and we never kept anything from each other- but how could I tell him what I don't even know?

The door opening pulled me from my pondering as he walked out with his soaking clothes in hand "Where should I dump these?" I pointed back to the tub "you can just set them in there that way they don't get water everywhere" he nodded once before doing so. As he did I repositioned myself so my back was to the head of the bed, my bare legs stretched out before me. He came back and crawled onto the other end of the twin bed, lifting up my legs and placing them back onto his lap. His fingers drawing soft circles on my knees as his back rested against the wall. He was looking at me with that look, like he knew exactly what was going on inside my head "What's wrong?" His words only proving exactly what I knew he already guessed.

I sighed as I looked down from his face to my hands, they were still gloveless and he must've noticed "Want me to grab you a pair of gloves?" I was already reaching over to grab a pair but he froze the moment I placed my hand on his forearm, stopping him.

His eyebrows rose as he turned his head to look down at my bare hand on his arm, his head then tilting slowly to look at me face. His mouth hanging open slightly as he tried to figure out what to say, but he didn't need to because I said something first "I don't need them" but that didn't seem to help him relax one bit, his whole demeanor was stiff underneath my touch. His muscles were tense under neath me "Amb... did you- why..." he didn't finish his sentence before I panicked and pressed my other hand to his cheek, he REALLY stiffened at that. But I just shook my head at him as I felt tears pool in my eyes "I don't feel anything" he frowned at my words, I took a shaky breath before continuing "I don't feel a thing Scott, there's nothing there" I felt the tears roll over as they slid down my cheeks.

He immediately unfroze from his confusion and pulled me closer to his body, his warmth engulfing me. But it only caused me to cry more as I didn't sense his emotions, his usually happiness and love overwhelming me when I was this close to him. But I was getting nothing this time, not one flash of emotion- nothing. I was able to touch him with my bare hand and I still got nothing, not one slip of his mind or his thoughts. That's when I really knew something was wrong, I mean yes- I knew something was off when I went to grab one of the new books Scott had gotten me for Christmas and I didn't get anything from it, it felt just like a regular old book in hands.

"We need to go to the Professor Amb, he'll know what's going on" Scott rubbed his left hand up and down my back, his left was rubbing circles on my knuckles. His comforting touch helping slightly, but it only caused me to feel worse since I was getting nothing. I nodded my head against his neck, sniffling "I hope he knows what's going on" I muttered out as I pulled my head from his neck to look him in the eyes. When we were this close I could see his eyes, not just red spaces where his eyes should be. I always loved being able to actually see his eyes, I hoped one day we could figure out a way so he didn't need to wear the obnoxious glasses.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, he kissed me back and held me closer to him. I held his hand in my own, grasping onto him like he was the only thing keeping me center to this earth. He moved his hand that was on my back to tangle into my curly hair, since it was down he had a much easier time than normal. We kissed for a few moments longer before he pulled away and rested his chin on top of my head, pulling me back into his chest. I leaned my head just below his and sighed deeply "I think I should go talk to him, the professor I mean" I breathed out. I felt him nod his head "I'll come with you, and I'm sure he'll be able to help you- he always can" he played with my hair as we sat there in each other's embrace.

"Okay" I mumbled out before pulling away from him softly "I think the sooner the better so I'm going to change and then we can go" he simply nodded his head before smiling at me softly "Whatever you wanna do" I smiled in return before pulling from his embrace completely to stand, I walked over to my wardrobe to pullout some leggings and socks. "My favorite!" I turned to look at him, a smirk was on his face before he motioned down to the legging in my hand. I shook at him before walking to the bathroom "Dork" I shot at him, I closed the door as he burst into laughter.

There goes that moment.

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