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I stared wide eyed at the professor, his own blue eyes were wide as they stared me down. His hands were gripping the arm rests of his wheel chair so tightly his knuckles were beginning to turn white, the blue vies beneath the skin of his arms were bulging slightly from the strain.

I could sense Hank was tense, his posture stoic and his teeth clenched so tightly that his head was beginning to ache.

I blinked back to look to Xavier, he let out a slow breath that he had been holding "Are you alright?" he asked Hank with a simple glance. Hank only responded with a clearing of his throat and a hand through his hair, he slowly straightened his posture.

"You were altering reality Amberlee, you were making us see things that were unlike anything I have ever seen before- creatures, and visions- things that were not real but felt very real" The professor confessed "There was a man-" he frowned as he looked through me, a hand unconsciously  rising to rub his neck "He was sitting on a throne, and there was a golden gauntlet..." he trailed off.

The room was filled silence for a few moments before I spoke "Do you think it's enough to save Scott and the Others?" I stepped toward the professor, hope igniting in me along side the new found power coursing through my veins- I felt like I could ignite the whole world aflame with a single flick of my wrist.

"I don't think that is rational Amberlee, you have no control over these powers you may cause more harm than good in this situation." Hank said, pushing his glasses higher up his nose "besides, we can't possibly infiltrate an entire operation with just you" his eyes showing sympathy.

"But who said we had to?" I looked to the professor "You said I was changing reality right? What if I just make it look like everything was normal but I was actually inside and getting everyone out? that would work! And you could help to Hank" I switched my gaze to his "You can help me get the others out, and Professor could tell us where to go" I looked to the two men with pleading eyes.

Hank bit his tongue and looked to his friend, waiting for him to either agree or shut me down- I hoped it was the first option.

He seemed to battle within himself, wanting to save the others just as much as I did- but also rationalizing the dangers that came with how risky this was going to be if we were to actually go through with it.

I held my breath so long while I waiting for him to answer, my chest began to burn from lack of oxygen as I stood there as still as possible.

He finally released a heavy breath, his eyes looking to the ground before him "Do you both understand the dangers that you could possibly face?" His blue eyes taking a moment to look up into my mixed ones, his worry was evident.

I nodded my head "there is no other way, we have to get to them as soon as possible" my voice on the verge of pleading as I held his gaze.

"Should we go suit up?" Hank voiced, his head held high. He was feeling nervous, his mind traveling through all the possible scenarios that could play out behind his sky blue eyes.



Hank led me through the school as the professor went to go find someone to put in charge of the place while we were gone.

He brought me a large silver door that had an "X" in black on the front, it was opposite of the training room that I had spent countless hours in the last few months. A blue light scanned over his face and the large doors slid open to reveal a massive jet inside, countless weapons still being built were scattered across metal table tops. In cases on the right wall was where he was leading me, all but two of the cases were empty.

One was big, very large in fact- I looked between the suit and Hank "That one yours I presume?" I smiled softly up at him, he let out an awkward chuckle at my question "Yeah, it only fits when i'm- you know, blue and fuzzy" He let out a short laugh,  I couldn't help but laugh along as well- my nerves getting the best of me as we stood before the uniforms.

I looked back to mine as our laughter died down, it was all black and padded- much like the others were. But mine had dark purple accents where hanks had blue, I assumed Hank made them and chose colors he thought "matched" everyone. I smiled at the thought of him slaving over which colors to pick for who.

Hank stepped towards his case and pressed the button to the left of the glass that held his uniform within, the glass sliding up to give him access to the clothing. I followed suit and grabbed mine, it felt stiff in my hands and I got flashes of Hank working on it- he picked purple because it reminded him of my favorite coffee mug and he figured it was better than pink and all other colors he had access to with the material were already in use by the others.

I snorted as I turned around to face the jet, the Professor in the door way leading into the massive room.

We made eye contact and he nodded once at me, his eyes stern and his emotions flashing caution at me.

I nodded back slowly, letting him know I understood the dangers we were flying right into.

"lets go"  

The Art of Knowing You | scott summersWhere stories live. Discover now