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I found myself in the training room with the others- others being Jean, Scott, Orroro, Peter, and Kurt. All of which stood with either boredom or excitement written on their features (It also radiated off of them) while I stood there feeling anxious and like I was going to puke. Hank stood before us, he was talking about someone coming in and showing us basic hand to hand combat- but they were running late or something.

The lot of us stood there in the awful yellow uniforms, though I will give Hank credit- they are rather comfortable. He had made mine pretty simple- the only cool thing I got were odd looking gloves, they were fingerless but also had a hole in the palm and on the top of them. I thought it was rather odd looking but he must've had some sort of logic behind the design. I felt a nudge on my side and looked at Jean who had a small smile on her lips "You excited for your first day?" her brow rose as she spoke.

I let out a short laugh "No, Not really. I have no experience in this field at all, I'd really rather be reading or doing anything else but be here. I'm not much use right now anyways until my powers manifest- then maybe I'll come back and be of some use" I folded my arms and jutted out my hip.

I saw Jean roll her eyes out of the corner of my eye "Oh don't be so dramatic, besides its nice to have another girl on the team- AND I'm sure Scott would loooove to see you in action" her smirk only growing as she spoke. I scoffed "yeah, as I get my ass handed to-" I was cut off as the door opened to reveal our new trainer.

Her blonde hair was curled and rested just below her shoulder blades, she wore nearly all black training gear and her face was void of any emotion. Her emotions showed that she was skeptical about coming here to train but she was here any ways, which led me to wonder why.

She stood next to Hank before nodding at the group "Nice to see everyone is doing well, and I assume everyone has been keeping up on their practice?" her eyes traveling along the line of us and finally landing on me at the end "And you have a new one" she walked towards me and stuck her hand out to shake "Raven Darkholme, but most everyone calls me Mystique" I took her hand in mind and I felt my eyes glass over as I gathered every bit of information about the woman before me. I hope she was informed of my mutation before hand though, things were going to get rather awkward if she had no idea what I could do and what was currently going on while my eyes were in their milky white state.

I blinked a few times as I felt the rush leave, I released her hand from my own and smiled kindly "Amberle, I don't have a cool name yet" she stared down at me before speaking "This is the one Charles told me abut Hank?" She asked without looking behind her to the man she had spoken to.

He nodded his head then realized she couldn't see him "Yeah, that's her" I glanced back to look at Raven to see that she hadn't taken her blue eyes away from my face. She took a step back and took a moment to look me up and down before turned back to Hank "She doesn't look like much to me, but I trust his judgment"

I felt a flash of anger rush through me at her words and a frown come across my face, excuse me? What does she mean I don't look like much? How can she make any real judgment based off of physical appearance? She had no clue what I was capable of, I mean I didn't really at this point either but that was beside the point.

"Alright, first we're just going to do some basic training, Defense then we'll move onto some of the harder things. Pair off and get into a fighting stance" Raven spoke to us, her hand motioning for us to do as she says.

We split up- since I was next to Jean I went with her, and we worked on the basics which was sorta easy but I wasn't going to assume it was always going to be easy- since this wasn't a dire situation where my life was on the line. But we worked on the techniques for about an hour before Raven decided it was time to call it, we were all sweating by that point and the suits were not very helpful when it came to the heat that seemed to cling to my body.

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