Chapter 4

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When I open my eyes everything is still blury. I slowly adjust my eyes and see myself in the throne room. My father talking to a wolf with gray hair. While my guards are near me and Noah has the black hair wolf next to him who already awoke. You could tell he is still in pain. The way his teeth is pressing down hard trying not to make a noise.
I try to stand up which takes me awhile due to feeling a little dizzy. I then see my father turn his head towards me and walks fast towards me. "Princess moonlight," he says in a worried tone as if he's trying to hard. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"Dad?" I say in a weak whisper.
"Tim and Ethan help her." My dad says his alpha tone.
They quickly go by my sides and press against me so I don't fall down.
I then sneeze noticing some dirt came too and start to shiver.
My dad then became even more worried as though it was a pain. "Take her to the doctor."
"Yes my king." They both say.
It's kind of hard for them to move me but I walk which makes me feel so weak but I just keep going. They have done enough with me already. I must be such a pain.
When they open the doors the doctor and nurses rush to me.
"What happened?" said the doctor.
"Long story." Said Ethan.
"Okay at least tell me what she has."
"She's shivering, sneezing, and having a hard time walking. That is all I know for now."
"Ok thank you, now please exit the room."
"We will stand outside the doors." And the 2 wolves both walk out the door.
"Nurse she really needs a shower before I can do anything else."
"Okay." The two girl nurses were watching me walk but still near my sides in their human form. As we arrived finally to the bathroom with a tub they tell me to change back into human and I do. As they start the warm water for me in the big mirror on the door I could see myself.
My grayish white hair that is the length of my elbows is now dark brown and ugly with the mud on it. I could of sworn I also saw a worm to. My whole naked body covered in mud even underneath my fingertips. My eyes look like I haven't slept in days as the dirt is around it. I was not a pretty sight to look at.
"Princess moonlight your bath is ready shall we help you into the bath?"
"No thanks." I say which is a lie. I feel as though I could drop at any second. But somehow I mange with their faces concerned the entire time. Extending their arms ones in a while then putting them back at their sides as though I may fall at any second.
   As I get into the bath I relax my body which feels really good. The warmth of the water was relaxing my muscles as I felt some of the coldness leave slowly. They start to wash my hair while I put soap on my own body. When I'm done they help me out and give me a towel with some clothes already prepared for me. I thank them while I'm changing.
  When the doctor sees me walk out he checked my temperature. "Your doing well but I suggest lots of sleep and." He then was looking in his cabinet. "Some medicine for your cold." And handed it to me.
    "Thank you." I then walked out the door by seeing Ethan and Tim in there human forms clean. Like they were never outside. They really are fast.
   "Princess Moonlight are you alright?" Said Tim.
    "I'm fine. The doctor said I just need rest." I then walked away from them towards my room.
    When my body felt the mattress on my back it's like my body knew and my eyes closed automatically.
    I turn in a more comfortable position and when I open my eyes I see a dark figure staring at me. That before I could scream it put its hand on my mouth.

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