Chapter 20

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    I slowly opened my eyes that I didn't realized was closed as I too ducked down. I stood up as I saw Ravana standing with the gun still in his hand in the same position as he was before; frozen.
   I turned my head right as I saw my father as his face showed pure pain as he tried hard not to scream. His front left leg was shot as the blood came down so fast as a river that he fell down. His screams finally came from the pain as he started to cry at the same time trying hard not to; but it would be inhuman if he didn't. The sliver it's what's making him worse that you could tell that his leg would be off in a moment. Everybody was frozen cowering in fear.
    "Well I wanted to kill him, but somehow this just seems better." Ravana said after awhile.
     "North pack." I shouted as now all the faces turn to me. "Scout wolves. Hurry and carry my dad to the ER now!" I screamed I couldn't waste time. No matter how selfish my dad is even if he doesn't love me; I just can't make him suffer like this.
     The nearest scout wolves looked at my dad as they ran too him as they pulled him on their back. The blood was now staining on their fur and the smell becoming unbearable. The wolf healing will definitely take a long time to heal my father's wounds.
    "You think I'm going to let you go like that." Ravana said. And from behind Ravana I finally saw Cameron in the group of the wolves as now almost everyone was here. I walked into the front of my pack in my dad's place as I stood firm showing no fear in my eyes like a real alpha.
    "You took this too far Ravana with everything!" I yelled at him I didn't care if he still had the gun in his hands. "Your afraid, so that's why you had to use a banned gun." I smirked. "Because your weak." I said loud for everyone to hear. Everyone's eyes quickly turned to Ravana petrified of his next move as he gripped the gun tighter as his other fist was clenched so tight, it was white. "You little girl. You don't deserve to be alpha!" His face was red. "Your weak!"
    I snarled. "Show me what your made of then!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He threw away the gun on the ground as he changed into a wolf in a blink of an eye running at me as he yelled "charge!"
    Everyone was too focus they just stood for a second until they realized what was going on and started to run in fury with the last of their energy.
    "Charge." I said also as my pack started to run. Tim and Noah were now both running by my sides.
     I pounced at Ravana feeling the rage and tense of the air once again as I started to scratch his face as the other wolves were trying to protect their alpha from the sides. Noah quickly got rid of his enemy as he bit Ravanas tail. Which was my chance and I went for ravanas neck but he backed up and instead got his leg.
   Ravana touched my neck with his teeth as I pushed my head into his chest as hard as I could as he fell. Tim then stepped in as he got his front right leg as Ravana was trying to make sure Noah didn't get his neck. I quickly threw myself at him as my teeth finally caught his neck. And before I could let go of the perfect chance I snapped his neck as his whole body froze and as I left go of him, he fell on the floor like a trash bag . The wolves kept on fighting not noticing the death as broken bones were heard all over. I felt a wolf get on top of my back as he got my neck but I turned my body and he slipped off as I hurried off. I howled loudly in the air as all the wolves stopped.
   "Listen here south pack I have killed your alpha."
     There was silence as the lifeless body was on the painted grass eyes open still.
     "Now everyone I declare this war over! And for my win the south pack will join my pack whether they like it or not. Do you understand!" I shouted. I then saw Sammuel look at me terrified not knowing what to do. And definitely won't be dumb and speak against me.
    They were all silenced as it took them a while for them all to nod their head in agreement. I even say my best friend terrified of me.  Once I looked around the pack I remembered Ethan's body on the ground still.
    "Someone hurry and get Ethan to the ER. Now." I said in a bit of a worried tone not trying to show fear. But his body lost a lot of blood as he looked weak but I know there's a chance to save him.
     I walked towards my house everyone staring at me. "South wolves I will give you 2 days to move all of your belongings. Also for the northern wolves go home and try to get healed anyone who is badly injured follow me to the E.R."
     I went inside my house as I lead a lot of people to the E.R after that I walked fast to my room. I took off my clothes as I lay in the tub for a deep cleaning shower.
    As the hot water was hitting me I saw the blood and some dye of my hair color go down the drain. I killed a wolf and not just any wolf; but an alpha. I laughed at myself as I leaned on the wall crying. I cried and cried as though it felt I haven't ever spilled a single tear in my life.  After I was done I turned off the water, dried myself as I put on fresh clean clothes. A gray shirt with black loose pants as I slid inside my bed and fell into a deep sleep. Not wanting to think about what's going to happen tomorrow.

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