Chapter 8

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I turned into my white wolf that I am my fur shining in the light. My breathe became faster but I didn't care. I ran as fast as I could. The ground shaking slightly as my paws touched the ground from there force from running.
The brown alpha looked at me a deadly smile on his face. It gave me a shiver that went all the way down my back.
I looked at him mad with my toughest face ever. Looking serious as how I never done before in my life. I then jumped at the alpha. On top of him growling a death threat.
I didn't really pay attention to my father but I knew that he was in fear trying to stand but barely managing to get up.
The brown alpha then growled at me to now all of a sudden I feel the weight on me, my back on the ground. I then opened my eyes to see the alpha on top of me smiling evilly.
"I can't believe this, the great princess Moonlight actually does something for once." He then inched closer to my face. "To bad you failed."
I then growled at him again feeling his paws weight on my shoulder. I used my back legs to kick him off which half worked when he barely turned his attention to trying to get on top of me again. I bit at his neck drawing lots of blood with him clenching his teeth together hard. Trying not to embarrass  himself.
He then shook himself trying to get me off. I then couldn't hang on anymore and let go. Hitting the tree then ground hard.
Some of my body wanted to collapse. Already being tired but I forced myself up. I then gave my pack a fierce look saying 'are you helping or what?'
It took them a moment to process then springing to action trying to attack the brown alpha. But every time they tried to get close to him, he too would give them the look saying 'look at what I have done with your alpha.'
I snarled. My dad now able to stand up barely. I give him a sad look.
"Well do you surrender your pack to me now?" Said the red alpha.
"Very well." He then turned to me and yelled capture and all of a sudden 5 wolves pin me down. The weight of them making it hard for me to breathe.

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