Chapter 15

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         I played outside my white mansion as I heard my dad call my name. When I entered in the throne room I saw that my mother was next to my father sitting down in her royal chair.
    "Princess moonlight. I'm glad your here. Listen because this is your last chance to prove how useful you can be."
    I stood up straight. Kind of worried. I didn't want to disappoint him as how I never do what he asks right. But this time would be different. I saw my mothers face trying to hide her nervousness as she coughed. But then looked at me full of hope. While my dad on the other hand was skinny and holding up a serious face meaning business. "Yes father what is it. I promise I can do it."
    "Yes, yes." He said in a whatever voice  as I always say this. "I need you to go to the Betta's house and retrieve a special plant that they have. Just say that I sent you. Remember you go by yourself. It doesn't matter if you are almost 8 years old. Now go. And remember you have 20 minutes."
    "Yes father." I then ran out the door. As I heard my mom cough again. I was worried for mama it seems as though she's sick. But she will be fine. The nurses can just help. I ran to the Betas house as fast as my legs can take me. It took me only 8 minutes to get there.  I quickly knocked on the door and by the time someone came it was an old lady. She had pure white hair and wore a pink robe as I could tell she just woke up with gentle green eyes.
    "Why princess moonlight are you here to pick up the plant."
     "Yes." "Why come on in. I'm surprised your dad sent you." I came in the house as I was met with the living room it looked small but on the left of me was a big window as I could see the garden they have. The old lady went to the kitchen. I couldn't help my curiosity as I walked to the door that lead me into the garden. There were so many flowers but the one that really caught my eyes was the flower with 6 white perfect petals another 4 inside and a little yellow in the center. I heard the old lady open the door and walk towards me as she looked down and saw the flower I saw.
"Are you looking at that white flower? You know that's your mom's favorite flower called The Star of Bethlehem. It embraces the meaning of purity, happiness, and hope. You know you are a lot like her sweet and kind."
"Thank you." I said sweetly but then my eyes went wide as I remembered I have to hurry up. "Do you have the plant?" I said in a rush.
"Yes, here you go." She handed it to me and put I put it in my jacket pocket and right before I was about to run she held my arm for a second then let go."Wait." She bent down and picked up the white flower as she handed it to me. I grabbed the stems and started to run.
When I was half way there turning the corner I bumped into a person as we both fell down on our buts.
"Oh sorry princess moonlight." The boy said worried even though it was clearly my fault. I got the white flowers that were in my hand now, stood up, and started to run as the boy was trying to call me but I ignored him.
When I was in front of the throne room door I knocked as I heard my dad say "come in."
I walked in trying to catch my breathe.
"Show me." He said demanding.
I reached into my jacket pocket with my right hand as I was holding the white flowers with my left hand. Only to find that my pocket was empty. That must've been why the boy was calling my name. "Dad please don't be mad but I-" but he cut me off mid-sentence as I was on the verge of tears. As I dissapointed him yet again, and again.
"I don't want to hear your excuses. You already came in late. And you brought me the wrong flower. Now because of you your mother is going to die. Now get out of my face!" He said mad.
I dropped the white flowers and I ran to my room as I put my sheets over my head scared of his next moves. Now mama is going to die because that plant was the cure I'm sure. It's all my fault. But why didn't my dad get a doctor? No, he wouldn't let my mama die. He would get a doctor. Right?
-End of Flashback-

Blake: I only did the flashback because if I wrote the continue of the fight it would've been too long. But don't worry in the next chapter it get back to her fighting. Until next time. And thank you so much for reading my book.

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