6. Compromise

481 22 4

AN: Translation for creole at the bottom


"You can sleep here," he says, pointing his newly shaven chin at the large bed in the centre of the room.

I grunt out a thank you, as the pitter-patter of the rain starts against the rooftop.

This is the best example of pathetic fallacy; the rain mirroring my dark mood.

I sigh, collapsing onto the bed and falling asleep almost immediately.


My snoring wakes me in the early morning - it's still dark, I can't see shit. The rain is beating mercilessly against the rooftop - still not as loud as my snoring - and I can hear thunder, and see the flash of lightning outside.

Wait, why the hell is it dark? I never turned off the light.

That's when I notice that someone else is in my bed.

Of course.

Of course.

I can feel the irritation seeping into my veins, making me more and more awake by the minute.

But honestly, I should have seen this coming. This guy has had weird vibes from the start.

I push him slightly.


A little harder.

And when I get irritated, I feel out his face, and cover his mouth and close his nose at the same time.

He wakes up instantly.

"Weh di rass," he hisses into the darkness.

"*Weh di fuck yuh a do in 'ere?"

My eyes gradually adjust to the darkness, and I can see him scratching his head, his pretty eyes narrowed at me in irritation.

* "Mi room did a leak. Wen mi did come in 'ere, yuh did 'ave on yuh sneakers an' jeans. So mi did fix yuh up. Mi neva did try nuttin. Mi swear."

His words are slurred together from exhaustion; I have to strain to understand them. That's when I realise that I'm only in a t-shirt and, wait for it, thong.

And I feel a bit... turned on that he saw me like that. Not that I'd ever tell him.

So what now? Everyone has leaks in their homes tonight? The rusty-ass pipes in my apartment building, and now, his roof?

He stares at me, as if waiting for me to go batshit on him, but all I do is sigh, and in turn he lets out a sigh of relief.

"Go back to sleep, Leah," he says, just above a whisper.

But I can't. I'm very awake, and I just have to get up and do... something.

I slip out of the bed, and head to the kitchen, the t-shirt stopping just below my ass.

I go up to the huge, stainless steel fridge, and search for a bottle of cold water.

"You have a nice ass," I hear, from behind me, "and the water's in the cupboard."

I ignore the way that my body tingles at that compliment, and turn to see him pointing his chin to a cupboard that is a part of the base of the kitchen island.

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