8. Early Xmas

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"Don't you find it curious that both our homes have leaks?" I ask while lying down, staring at the ceiling. We're lying down on opposite sides of the bed.

"I fixed it. I figured that you'd be staying over more, and I thought that you may not... uh..." He seems as if he doesn't know how to word his feelings.

"Want to sleep in the same bed as you?" I say, completing his thought and putting him out of his misery.

He's right.

Post coital affection is not something that I'm a fan of.

That's a euphemism for "I hate it".

Things always get complicated somehow, and eventually, feelings develop. Not on my part of course; I'm so cold, I'm beginning of o believe that I can't fall in love.

However, the subject of my lúst always ends up developing these feelings for me, and I always feel guilty for not being able to reciprocate them.

Additionally, I just find it awkward.

After this happened with my first two fúck buddies, I stopped the whole 'cuddling and sleeping in the same bed' thing altogether.

"Thanks," I tell him, grateful for the gesture. "And speaking of home, I need to go home."

I get up and start to get dressed, panties first, but I hear his low voice, dripping with séx, and freeze, then turn to look at him.

"You sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" he asks, that naughty grin creeping onto his face again. He licks his lips, and then whispers under his breath: "Come sit on ma face, nuh?" I am officially turned on again, and I know that he can tell; he's looking at me as if he's already won.

Dear god.

"Um... no thanks. I need to go."

I try to sound strong, but I know that I sound like a weak, tempted creature, denying itself of a basic need.

I dress myself in a haste, putting on my shorts backwards and my shirt inside out, and he doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's laughing at me. Doesn't matter. Right now, I just need to get the hell out of this house.

"Well, goodbye," I say, once I'm dressed, as I turn to leave and speed walk out of this bitch as fast as I can without it qualifying as running.

However, he decides to make this even harder for me.

As I am leaving the room, I hear him say:

"See you soon, Leah."

The way he says it, especially the way he says my name, is a promise that he will fulfill my sexual desires.

It says: We've only just begun. You haven't seen anything yet.

It means that I have to leave. Now.

I stop speed walking and start running.


"You know that I hate event photography," I say to Marcus through clenched teeth into the phone.

The last event I worked at was the "Water Party". I have to admit, that was educational and fun, so I didn't mind. Before that, there was David's family reunion, which I was only going to do because I really needed the money at the time; I was just about broke, ready to go into my savings account to buy food. Dragging Shemmaré along was an afterthought, but it made it less painful.

The truth is that I don't like event photography. I like to be creative, so I prefer artistic photography.

The only event that I love to photograph is weddings; I think they're beautiful. Every wedding is different, and the setting alone is like a piece of art.

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