20. Punished

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"Bye Leah! It was nice to meet you," Sabrina says, hugging me. I hug her back, but I find it extremely hard to ignore David's eyes boring into my back.

"Bye Leah," Xavier says to me, a look of knowing amusement on his face; he knows exactly what's going to happen to me.

When they leave, I stare at the door of the house longingly, only to hear both their cars start up and drive away.

Oh, God.

I turn to face him, and he is radiating lust and anger.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask.

"Because you're teasing me."

"I wasn't teasing, I was initiating."

He raises an eyebrow.


"I'm tired of being treated like glass," I growl at him. It didn't have to come to this. He didn't have to torture the both of us by his passive refusal to have sex with me.

He walks up to me so quickly, it's startling, but I don't back down. He grabs my waist and puts his lips at my ear. I clench my fists, my hand tightening around my cell phone.

"So what do you want me to do, Leah? Push you up against the wall and fuck you? Or bed you over and sink my cock into you over and over again?"

I'm officially wet. And not even a little bit wet, no — I'm fucking soaking.

"I just want you to fuck me," I whimper.

He lets me go, and chuckles.

"Don't worry, darling; I intend to do so."

With that, he turns his back and walks away, and I feel a strong sense of Deja Vu, remembering the first time he said that he wanted to fuck me in his house in Cherry Gardens.

With a growl of frustration, I walk off to one of the guest bedrooms.


Sometimes, I take pictures when I'm pissed; I carried my camera, but it's in the master bedroom, where the asshole is currently situated, and I'm pissed off with him.

I've resorted to using my damn phone to take pictures outside in the night. Being out here is soothing, though. The scent of the salt water rushing up my nostrils calms me, making me almost forget about my desires. Almost.

I begin to relax, as I walk up and down the beach, looking for a spot that would be suitable for photography.

Maybe, I should change the angle.

I sit on the sand, so that I'm closer to the shoreline.

I turn on the flash, and allow the camera to focus, but just as I'm about to take the picture, I hear my name being called.

"Leah," David says behind me, causing me to drop my phone on the sand. I pick it up quickly.

"Yes?" I reply.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Taking pictures," I answer as I get up and turn to face him, knowing that it's going to fûck me up.

He just stares at me.

"Taking pictures?" he asks, cocking a brow to say that he doesn't believe me. Or as if it's the most ridiculous statement that he has ever heard leave my lips. I'm a photographer. Why is that surprising?

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