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After a whole week of Brennen's begging. I decide to go out with him. Today was the day and I was prepared with the help of Monique. She was more excited than me. She says it's because I haven't had a boyfriend in a while and she's right. My last break up didn't go well which made me scared to be in another relationship.

"No Eversteen," Coach shouts. "Do you not remember what I taught you?"

"I'm trying coach, I'm just tired because this is my tenth time trying." I complain. "Why can't we just move on?"

"I want you to get it." he says, walking up to me. "The team captain should know how to do a serve, it's simple." he spat harshly. He positions my posture to try again."Now serve."

I breathe out heavily, looking at the girls on the other side who have been waiting for me to serve this ball ten attempts ago. I toss the ball up and hit it as hard as I could. It makes it over the net and the game begins. That's until coach stops it and takes the ball only to give it back to me.

"Again?" I whine.

"Yes, I want you to do it without my help. I can't always go out on the court to fix the way your standing."

Coach Styles was being very hard on me today. He was also like this in class and I don't know why. I was getting tired of it, but I couldn't say anything about it. I'd be shocked if that day ever comes when I actually confront him for his attitude in front of everyone.

The practice finally comes to an end and he dismisses us. Monique and I quickly collected the balls we used and put them away. We got ready to head for the locker rooms, but Coach calls me back.

"I'll wait for you in the locker room." she says and I grab her.

"No, come with me." I beg. "He's been giving me a tough time since this morning. I need you there to defend me."

Since Monique is that good friend, she gladly walks with me. We stand in front of him and waited for him to finish talking to Coach Payne.

"I want you to stay longer to practice your serves." he says plainly, glancing between me and Monique. His green eyes finally settle on me as he cross his arms. "Not you Kenneth, just Rylee here."

"B-but, I can't."

"Why not?" he frowns.

"I- I just–" the words were caught in my throat.

"She has plans. Y'know since she's a teenage girl who has needs." Monique speaks for me, but more blunt than the way I would put it.

"Monique!" I gasp softly, slapping her arm and she shrugs.

"So it's true?" Coach questions. "You'd rather go out and have fun than practicing to help you win and also take us to the finals?"

"Wel- I– we've been practicing a lot and I think-"

"You think you have it, but you don't." he criticizes. "I want you to serve as well as Kenneth here. What if one day she's out?"

"There are other player that can serve." Monique points out.

Coach was getting aggravated. "Look fine, it's up to you Rylee."

I didn't know what to do. This was hard because my serves aren't really that good and coach is right. I should be able to serve after all these years and being the team captain. That's not a good example of a skilled player to the others.

"Fine, I'll stay." I sigh.

"Wha- Rylee, you're just going to cancel on Brennen?"

"We can go out another time." I shrug. "He did say he wouldn't stop trying. He'll understand, Monique." I laugh at her disappointed expression. "Can you get my phone and text him for me?"

Quiet || hsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu