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"Better luck next time

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"Better luck next time." Mrs. White said as she set another quiz with yet another low grade. I just roll my eyes because she's said that the past four quizzes. "Maybe ask your classmates for help when I let you study instead of sitting back here by yourself."

The bell rings and I was the last to exit. Harry stood by his door across the hall. He looks over at me, keeping a smile as his students left. It's been a whole month of not talking to him. I just see little glimpses of him around and this was one of those moments. He nods his head at me, but I put my head down and made my way to my next class.

The day consisted of nothing interesting. I looked up my grades and there was no way I could send them to my dad. Especially with Mrs. White already failing me. I hate to say it, but Harry was right about switching. If this continues, I will fail her class and I won't be able to graduate.

After school, I sat on the brick wall to wait for Alec. My teeth shudder, I kept my arm crossed, and shivered in the cold. I hear familiar voices pass by and I look to see Harry talking to one of the JV girls. They stop at the curb and he reaches into the bag he had hanging on his shoulder, pulling out a folder to give to her. They continue talking until her ride came. He stood there and waited for the car to drive off then started his path to his car. I take a look around to see many other students out, waiting. I hop off the wall and call for him.

"Coach!" I call over the wind.

Harry twists around and frowns as he searched. He was looking behind me until I waved. The confusion in his facial expression was a little funny to me. I jog a little to get to him, but the snow almost makes me fall. Harry wasn't too far so he catches me then chuckles.

"Are you alright?" he asks, smiling down at me.

"Ye-yeah," I breathe out heavily, holding on to his arms. I let go once I got balanced then backed away a bit. "I-I didn't want to bother you, but you were right." I tell him. "I'm struggling in Mrs. White's class and I have to send my grades to my dad every two weeks. If he sees that I'm failing then I'm on the next flight to California."

"So," Harry extends the word. "Do you want an I told you so?"

I huff, looking away from his green eyes. "I hate that it had to come to this point, but I'm begging. Can you please talk to my counselor and convince him into switching back to your class?"

Harry shakes his head about to walk away. "No, I can't do that." he says, continuously shaking his head. "You made a choice and I told you to think about it before doing it."

I follow him to his car, begging. "I want to graduate. I can go to summer school or come back next year. That's just embarrassing."

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