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The game was a win and now I'm in a car with Harry on the way to his motel. We haven't spoken since he left me in the clinic. I was fine with the silence, but we had plans for tonight and it would be awkward.

"You can just bring me home and I can tell my dad Monique got sick." I say, keeping my eyes forward. "If you want."

"What I want is to spend the night with you," he tells me, making me turn my head to look at him. "Like we planned."

"But what about our little argument from earlier."

"It's something we can resolve, Rylee. We can't always runaway from each other after a fight." he sighs. "And now that we're on the topic, I want you to know there is definitely nothing going on with Leslie. She had a problem and I was talking her through it."

I stay quiet for a few moments before reaching over to intertwine our hands. "I'm sorry, Harry." I apologize. "This is just so hard for me."

"I understand," he nods, kissing my hand. "And I hope this won't be a problem every time."

I shake my head. "I promise I'll start trusting you and won't be jealous all the time." I tell him. "It's just hard knowing most of the girls in school swoon over you."

"Swoon over me?" he laughs then stops when he realizes I was serious. "I'm sure that's not true."

"Harry, you're not there in the girl's locker room."

"Well, that would be highly inappropriate if I'd walk in there for no apparent reason." he jokes.

"Harry I'm serious," I whine, nudging his shoulder. "These girls talk about you i-"

"Oh no," Harry says with wide eyes. I frown about to comment, but he let's go of my hand then pulls up to his motel. "Don't speak a word."

He rolls down the window and a figure walks up to us. Their heels clicking against the cement loudly. The person bends over to look through the window and their eyes immediately land on me.

"Rylee," she nods her head with a smile on her face. "Harry, we need to talk."

"Well, can we talk later?" he suggests.

"It'll only take a minute then you'll have time for your little girlfriend here." she scrunches her nose, sending a fake smile. "You know, I should've known there was something up from the first moment he brought up your name."

"Caroline, this is not what-" Harry starts.

"It's not what it looks like?" she interrupts him, now looking angry. "Because it looked like you brought her to your motel to fuck her. Is that why you wanted a divorce?"

Harry opens the car door, stepping out. He slams it shut, trying to calm Caroline down.

"Sweetheart, you need to relax." he says calmly, resting his hands on her shoulders until she shook them off.

"Don't fucking touch me and I'm not your sweetheart anymore." she shouts. "I can't believe I married a fucking perv. She's your student Harry and you left me because you wanted to fuck a fucking teenage girl."

"Keep your voice down." Harry hushes her.

She pushes him against the car and I quickly get out. I walk over to the other side.

"He was just driving me home." I lie. "Please, calm down."

"Shut up, you fucking home wrecker." she says loudly and I step back, looking around to make sure no one was around. "Where's that other girl you always talked about? Monique? Are you fucking her too?"

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