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The party started about two hours ago and I drank a little too much than I should have. Monique stayed by my side the entire time just starting on her second drink.

"What are you doing?" I tap her cup. "How is this having fun if you're barely drinking?"

"We should go home." she sighs, holding me up. She leads me outside on the porch and sets me on the steps. "Shit, Rylee do you have your phone?" she ask and I lay my head on her shoulder, shaking my head. I almost fall when she gets up and I hear her speak to someone. "Can you watch her? Make sure she stays where she is."

The door to the party opens, letting the music escape. It becomes muffled again and someone sits next to me.

"You really shouldn't have taken that third shot." her voice was soft. I look over to see Leslie with a smile. "Are you okay?"

Right then, a phone rings and I frown, looking around. Leslie laughs, reaching into my jacket.

"Oops," I laugh out. "I told Monique I didn't have my phone."

"Looks like coach is very concerned about you. He called several times and left a ton of messages."

"Well he can go fuck himself." I blurt out. "No one can yell at my friends after we tried as hard as we can." I say, rubbing my sleepy eyes. "I'm tired of his bullshit attitude."

"He's a coach. What'd you expect before getting in a relationship with him?"

I shush her. "Not so loud." I pause, staring at her blankly. "You know what, you're right."

"What?" she frowns.

The phone rings again and I answer it, groaning. I put the speaker phone on and spoke loudly.

"Harry!" I shout. "I don't want to do this anymore. We have to break up!"

"Rylee," his voice was low. "Have you been drinking?"

"Yes and I don't care what you think because we're over."

"Rylee stop." Leslie demands, reaching for my phone. "You're going to get all of us in trouble."

"And what is he going to do?" I snap, backing away. "We already lost, we're not going to playoffs. Volleyball season is over for us!"

Leslie reaches for the phone again and I fall onto my back. She gets over me, snatching the phone.

"Coach, hey this is Leslie."

"You were there the whole time?" he asks.

"Yeah, she's out of it and Monique is trying to get her home."

"I'm coming." he says and I speak loudly, still lying on the floor.

"No, I don't want you to come!" I try sitting up, but my body was heavy. "We're done, over with!"

"Leslie, send me the address." he orders before hanging up.

"Look Rylee, we're all going to get in trouble now." she groans, handing me my phone after texting. "I can't get grounded again. Staying in that house with nothing to do is horrid."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from him." I say, getting up and wrapping my arms around her. "I won't let him yell at any of my friends again."

"You consider me a friend?" she smiles.

"You may be a bitch sometimes, but friends keep secrets and you kept one of my biggest."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." she looks down. "I tend to be bitchy because I'm the only child and I like things my way."

"Well that's a good thing because a woman should be able to get what they want rather than letting a guy take over." I say, referring to Harry. "God, my relationships have been shit. Sometimes I think I should switch to girls."

Leslie laughs loudly, looking at me. "Do you want to see how it would feel?"

"What?" I chuckle softly. "How would I see-"

Suddenly, Leslie shifts forward. Her lips meet mine and her tongue slips in when I gasp. It felt like any other kiss, but this was with a girl. She pushes me back, making me fall to where I was laying again. I don't know why I was allowing this. My arms felt too heavy to lift so I can push her away. Eventually, I push her back and she stays hovered over me. She brushes my hair behind my ear and smiles down at me.

Next thing, she lifts herself off of me when the door flies open. Monique rushes out, looking panicked. She digs through her bag then looks down at me.

"I can't find my fucking phone." she curses.

"It's okay," I slur out, my eyes drooping as I look up at her. "Harry is coming, even though we are broken up."

"Broken up?" she frowns.

"It looks like you can watch over her now." Leslie sighs out, standing up. "She's really out of it and I tried sitting her up, but she's stuck like that." she says before entering the noisy house again.

Monique sits next to me, patting my knee. She helps me sit up and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Monique," I call her name softly and she hums. "I think Leslie is gay?"

She just bursts out laughing, lightly slapping my cheek. "You've really had a little too much. Leslie is the opposite from gay sweetheart."

"No, she-" I was cut off by someone shouting.

"Rylee!" they call my name. I look up to see Harry, slamming the car door shut.

Monique quickly stands up, trying to help me as well. She couldn't pick me up and I couldn't either. Harry makes it up to us and easily lifts me to my feet. My steps were everywhere, so he helps me balance.

"I told you not to come." I snap, pushing away and I almost fall so he quickly catches me. "I don't need you, Harry! We're done, you were the worst boyfriend ever."

Harry passes the keys to Monique gesturing her to get to the car. She walks away and I'm left with Harry. He holds onto my shoulders, looking down at me.

"You're drunk and we're not over, okay?"

"Yes we are!" I say loudly. "You can't tell me what I want!"

He rolls his eyes, bending down then putting me over his shoulder. I squeal, gripping onto his shirt. He sets me down in front of his car and I refused to get in. Somehow, he tricked me to get in and I sprawl out in the back seat.

"I can't take her to my house like this." I hear Monique speak.

Their voices began to slowly fade out as my eyes drooped closed.

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