Chapter Twenty

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"Love does no wrong to a neighbour; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law." Romans 13:10

Matthew [9:35 am]: Please, Perli, can we meet and talk?

[9:35 am]: Again, I'm sorry about that night. I didn't mean to scare you or come out that strong on you.

[9:36 am]: But I can't deny my feelings for you anymore. I love you, Perli, and I know you feel the same.

[9:36 am]: Please don't break my heart by ignoring my calls like you've been. At least text me back. Send an emoji, something, anything.

Perli touched her lips as she read the messages. It was a gesture she had been doing ever since that incident more than two weeks ago. She felt a nervous tingle in her tummy as she recalled the incident Matthew referred to in his messages. It was merely a moment of mixed emotions; she kept saying it to herself. The kiss they shared didn't mean anything. But why couldn't she stop thinking about it? Her every movement, heartbeat, and thought since that night at the park made her relive it. Like a new favourite song, it was constantly replayed in her mind, poisoning her thoughts and, sometimes, making her body tingle.

But it was wrong! Her guilty conscience tormented her continuously, reminding her of the sin she had committed. She shouldn't have given in and allowed herself to melt under Matthew's arms as he kissed her. She should have pulled away and slapped him but, at that moment, she couldn't think. Clouded by the feeling of ecstasy, she allowed herself to be swept off her feet by him. Now that she thought of it, stings of guilt pricked her heart. It was wrong for her to be with someone other than her husband.

"Ready for round two?" Liz's voice freed her from her thoughts.

She quickly turned off her phone's screen and met her friend's gaze with a guilty smile. For a moment, she had forgotten about Liz's presence. The constant vibration of her phone due to Matthew's endless messages had captured her attention like a trance. She slipped her phone back into her pocket and stretched her legs from where she sat at the side of the road. They were jogging around the quiet neighborhood of her residence.

"Ready?" Liz repeated, jogging on her spot.

Perli shook her head, lacking the zeal to continue with what they had started. The heat from the blazing sun hadn't been making the jog any easier. She could feel it beat against her skin, likely cooking it red. Annoyed, she wiped the sweat that had formed underneath her cap. Even with little clothing on, she still sweated like a pig.

"Eh, ouma," Liz teased her. "When will you ever enjoy the beauty of this quiet and lovely neighborhood without all this fuss?"

Perli rolled her eyes and stretched her legs forward. "When I stop feeling as if I am going to pass out whenever I jog with you," she stated, irritated. In an attempt to soothe herself, she let out a sigh and said, "I'm tired, Elizabeth."

Liz stopped jogging on her spot to study Perli's almost flushed face. She shook her head in disappointment, her ponytail slightly swinging to the movement of her head, and mouthed, "Unfit."

"I am not!" Perli argued.

"Alright." Liz stretched. "Race you to the end of the street, then?" she challenged with a smirk.

"Give me a moment," Perli responded, rising to her feet. Despite her tiredness, she could never resist a challenge from Liz. She positioned herself like a seasoned athlete running for the Olympics. "Watch me beat your butt."

"In your dreams, Duo," Liz snorted, kneeling to tie her loose shoelace.

"On your mark. Get set. Ready. Fire—"

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