Chapter Fifty

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"It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." Samuel Butler

Anger. The house reeked of it. Exasperation lingered in the air like a spark ready to ignite a brawl of words. Rattles and shouts could be heard from the kitchen as Jack aired his frustration in a thunderous voice.

It was destined to lead to this. The misunderstanding and confusion that arose, threatened to break all boundaries between father and son. While Jack failed not to express his anger through grunts and a raised voice, Daniel spoke his frustration in a calmer and lowered voice.

"... It's not about what I believe!" Jack's response was a retaliation to the question that parted his heart in two ways; his love for his wife and for his father. His voice slid into a calmer tone, his breathing heavy as his heart pumped with anger. "It's about the truth Dad."

"The truth," Daniel ridiculed his words in a pitched voice, his hands hanging in the air. "The same truth you have been telling me about your marriage?"

Jack's mouth was a door that refused to open. He rolled his eyes as his fingers ran over his face to wipe from it the frustration that tired him.

"Can you not see what she's doing? To you? To us?" Daniel questioned in a tone that was contrary to the atmosphere that surrounded them. He had kept his composure throughout the argument, he was not a man to raise his voice unnecessarily. He was aware of the power he possessed over any being, even his own son.

Jack pressed his lips together, his glare diverted to burn a hole through the innocent ground. His jaw was in a tight clench, shutting his temptation to speak further. The respect he held deeply for his father controlled him, it drowned all the venomous words that danced upon his tongue.

"She makes father and son fight like enemies," the words left Daniel's mouth in a low grunt. "She accuses me of calling her to that restaurant; next, she would accuse me of who-knows-what. I hide not my hatred for her, it is well known; however, I would never play such low and stupid games. What pleasure would I find in this?" He shook his head. "You question me like a thief, I'm your father Jack!"

Jack met his father's eyes with eyes that backed not from their anger. His heart was a rapid beat of emotions that pounded against his chest. It distrusted the words from his dad's mouth. He shut his eyes briefly, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose to calm his angry being.

"It's enough now," Daniel sighed in frustration.

Jack opened his eyes to portray confusion at his father's words. He locked eyes with him with a tilted head.

"It's enough," Daniel repeated. "You have proven your rebellion. It's done, now I command you to give her a divorce."

With furrowed brows, Jack questioned whether his ears perceived his father's words well. "Divorce?" he repeated the last word.

"Yes, divorce," Daniel repeated slowly, ensuring that the words sunk in.

Jack shook his head. "Dad," his voice rang calmly in a storm that spiralled within him. "You think this is a game or what? How can you ask that of me? You know that I lo—"

"Love her!" Daniel completed, hands dramatically in the air as if to mock his son's love. He shook his head, his eyes narrowed as if to fish out secrets that had been buried. "Oh son, you can tell that lie to everyone else but you cannot convince me one bit. Not a little! Your marriage to her happened suddenly, without any valid explanation!" his voice took on a higher and much-irritated tone.

Daniel's words bore truth. Jack was aware that his marriage happened too quickly. His decision to marry Perli came as a shock to many, even to Perli herself. The expression of disbelief on her face still replayed in his mind each time. He still remembered how so out of place he felt visiting the little cramped place they called home. She didn't hesitate to air her disagreement at his announcement, but at that moment, he knew there was no going back.

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