Chapter Thirty-six

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"Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." Franklin P. Jones

The look on her face was enough to tell him she wasn't happy. He sighed, and lifting the heavy luggage, placed them into the trunk.

"Perli what did you put in these bags?!" he called out, grimacing.

"All the stuff we bought!" she replied in a loud voice, then turned back to Liz.

If there was one thing Jack failed to understand, it was why Liz and Perli hugged each other as if they had not met for a couple of months. It baffled him; his mind struggling to come to terms with the emotions these two ladies were experiencing. He glanced over at Luke and saw a similar cast.

They both were filled with smiles of amusement.

"I will see you sometime. It was a great pleasure getting to know you." Jack extended his hand to shake his.

"Likewise." Luke grinned. "We'll talk and once again, thanks for the idea."

Jack nodded and soon they were bidding goodbye and heading for Johannesburg. The ride back was wordless between them; the only sound being that of the soft music playing through the radio. Through the first few hours of the drive, Perli slept, curling comfortably on the passenger seat with her cheek resting on her hand. Infrequently, Jack would glance at her and smile at how peaceful she looked.

He rubbed his eyes. Watching her sleep reminded him of the tiredness he was battling. He disliked the idea of having to wake up early in the morning and make an almost six-hour journey back to the business city. He worried he might fall asleep. Halfway through the drive, he stopped by a station, treating himself to some refreshment and something to fill his empty stomach.

"Perli," he whispered her name. He placed his hand on her knees before giving her a little shake.

She stirred slightly but refused to wake up. "I said later," she murmured, seemingly unconsciously.

"Perli." He persisted in trying to shake her awake, which eventually made her slowly open her eyes.

At first, there was a dazed expression on her tired face, but it was soon replaced with a slight frown. She yawned and rubbed her sore eyes, attempting to adjust them to the light.

"Why? I feel so tired. Why did we have to leave so early?" she groaned, stretching her body as it ached from the uncomfortable position she slept in.

"Sorry," he could only say, a look of innocence washing over his face. "But you can't sleep."

"Why not?!" her voice took on a defensive tone. She sat up on her seat and knitted her brows.

"I need you to talk to me," he stated simply, starting the engine again, "or else I might fall asleep."

He then handed her a can of Fanta and a packet of sweets to keep her awake.

She smiled with gratitude. "Talk? What do you want me to say?" she asked tiredly, her eyes weakly staring at his face that shone lightly under the sun.

He shrugged. He made a turn that led them back to the highway. "Anything? Tell me a story about your childhood or something?"

Perli yawned, resting her head comfortably on her hand again. "I have told you so many stories, why don't you tell me one instead," she suggested, pushing a strand of her braid away from her face, then taking a sip of her drink.

"Hey, I asked first," Jack quickly said, trying to divert from her suggestion. He suddenly regretted ever bringing up the idea and sighed.

He glanced at her. "Besides, my childhood wasn't that fun,'' he added, hoping that it would discourage her from pursuing the conversation.

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