Chapter Forty-four

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"When one is in love, a cliff becomes a meadow." An Ethiopian proverb

"Dad, be nice. She's your daughter-in-law." Although it came with a smile, there was an element of seriousness in his tone. He had no clue how Perli would survive without him.

To Perli he had said, "Don't let him intimidate you," and could only hope that it was enough to carry her through the days of his absence.

The two weeks came by too fast. He did not want to leave. Not only because his dad and Natalia were both in the same city — which could only be disastrous, but because there was something bothering his wife and he couldn't put a finger on it. Yes, he had noticed that there was something she so desperately wanted to tell him but struggled to. He had promised himself to find out what it was as soon as he returned.

It was only after he had assured himself that Maggie could easily handle any unforeseen situations that could arise from both his father and wife, that he had — along with David, headed for Port Elizabeth.

He smiled to himself and allowed his eyes to stare out the window as they ventured into the CBD of the city. As usual, the ride ought to be wordless. The only sound being produced was that of the soft classical music playing on the radio. Even the driver had only spoken once, and that was to greet them both with a smile.

He glanced at David and as expected, saw that his eyes were pinned on the papers he had been reading since the flight the day before. It must have been the hundredth time that he had been intensively going over each word as if it was his first time. It was a habit of his that Jack had grown used to seeing whenever they travelled together. A habit he never quite understood.

He decided to state his observations. "You know, it's like the hundredth time you're reading that." His brows raised as if to question why.

David looked up from the page he was reading and shrugged. "It's a habit of mine," he sounded proud to say, his usual smile cornering his lips. "You should know that."

Jack chortled. "I know, but the words aren't going to change," he assured him, shaking his head as if to express the humour he found in that.

"Just like the smile on your face," David quickly threw a comment, noting the smile on his friend's face.

At once, the smile faded from Jack's face, erasing along with it all the happiness that was pasted upon it. The reason was simple; he knew following that comment would be numerous and endless taunts and teases.

"It has been there for quite a while now," the words danced off David's lips. "What, you're missing your wife already?" It was his attempt to poke fun at him.

Jack rolled his eyes at the teasing question. He knew exactly where the conversation was heading and — as always; he planned not to entertain it. Ever since his wedding, David had found great pleasure in making playful remarks about him in relation to his wife. It was obvious that he still found the whole idea of him being married quite mirthful. Who could have ever thought a man like him getting married to a woman like Perli, anyway?

"Can't wait for the day you get married," the words left Jack's mouth through a jeer, a grin dancing upon his lips.

David responded with a lift of his brows. "Well, my friend, that day is definitely not today nor anytime soon."

Jack rolled his eyes again, shaking his head at his response. He decided to leave the conversation at that, knowing that he would not win if he decided to pursue it. "Anyway," he diverted the conversation to something else. "If we get the chance to be part of this project, it will only boost us further than we already are. We might officially become the most powerful solution company here in Africa."

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