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      My name is Orihara Mizuki. I'm 17 years old. 2 weeks ago, my parents who'd stayed in London had divorced and it forces me to choose who'd I'll stay with, without thinking twice, I told my parents that I would live with my close relatives in Osaka. I hate difficult things...so I thought that it's better if I pick another simpler route... I mean, that saved me a ton of explanations. My parents told me before, that I would be moving to a new school too because going to school here is...ridiculously impossible.  Again, without thinking twice... I blindly said okay... yeah...mistake number one.

-Japan, Osaka-

    "Mizuki-Nii...wake up! You're gonna be late for your first day of school!" A little girl with pigtails shouted. "Mm...okay! Okay! I'm up now..." I murmured. I looked at my alarm clock set beside my bed "great.... on my first day of school..it ran out of batteries... what a luck..." I thought to myself and made a mental note to buy new batteries later. Since I was already late, I quickly put on my school uniform, grab my bag and ran down the stairs.

    "Mizuki-kun! Don't you want to eat your breakfast?" Kaede-san asked me on my way down

    "Ah..it's okay! I'm late! Can't afford to miss my first day of school! Thanks for the offer though!" I shouted back while I bend over to tie my new school shoes. "At least drink this chocolate milk. You need energy to get through the day you know." Kaede-san offered  sweetly while handling over the box of chocolate milk. "Thanks Kaede-san, Itakimasu!" I said, waving back to my aunt.

  "Bye Bye!! Mizuki-Nii!!" I overheard my cousin, Kayano-chan shouted from her room. "Man...she sure got a lot of energy.." I thought to myself before I dashed towards the bus stand. It only takes about 10 minutes from my house to the bus stand, but since I'm late, I'm seriously cutting it close.

  "Just a little more....please be there, please be there!" I silently pray. Once I reached there... mistake number two... I freaking miss the bus!! "Great...now I got to run the whole way to school... at least I can buy my favorite melon bread now that I'm in front of a convenience store." I thought to myself,while I search for my wallet. That was when I realise...I don't have my wallet with me. Okay..now this is getting from bad to worst.. "Wait.. maybe I  left it at home.. I should call Kaede-san and ask her..." I said to myself.

  "...........Shit! Shit! Shit! Where is my phone?!? This is the worst! First I miss the bus..then I lost my wallet...and now I drop my phone somewhere?! What is with my luck today?!" I thought to myself....I hope my bad luck ends here. "At least I still have this chocolate milk from Kaede-san." I thought to myself, looking at the box of chocolate milk.

   I look at my wristwatch and cringe... now I only have 15 minutes to make it to school. Without thinking twice, I decided to take the short cut to my school. I bet I must've looked like a maniac... but I didn't care, all I need is to reach the school before the bell rings. And... that is mistake number three... taking the short cut to school, avoiding all the branches and thorns. It only took me around 9 minutes to reach my school if I follow the short cut correctly . But of course... I accidentally bumped into a guy and drop my box of chocolate milk...and to make it worst, the milk spilled onto his school uniform. "Shit! I'm going to get beaten up for sure......" I thought to myself, not wanting to make eye contact with the other boy, I be sure to kept my head down.

  "I...I'm sorry!! I'll pay you back, I swear! I..I have to go..I'm gonna be late.. er...umm..I don't have my phone right now.. Ah! That's it! Wait here later..I will definitely pay you back!!" I shouted to the boy and took off towards the direction of my school. I didn't even look back while I was running. "I'm dead....I'm definitely dead..." I whispered to myself.

   Talk about cutting it close! I made it! Just in time! I guess I still have a little bit of luck left in me. But... I sure don't look like I belong here though, I mean, messy hair, wrinkled school uniform and I am sweating like crazy! Looks like I just ran a 20 kilometre foot race. " Ah! Orihara-kun! You made it! " a kind lady with glasses greeted me. "Here, follow me. I'll show you the way to your new classroom." She said again. "T..thank you" I replied, bowing down simultaneously.

Wolf X Boy(Yaoi or BoyxBoy)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα