6. Cold Shoulder

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I might've been not nice to Ariel but I liked her determination

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I might've been not nice to Ariel but I liked her determination. She still dropped by at the house so we could go to school together. She also insisted me on going out last weekend. Truthfully, I was starting to like her company. But then again, as I thought about it, she might realize that I wasn't worth her time at all. I was like a pathetic, little girl looking for comfort.

It had also been a week since Connor disappeared on me and everyone else. During those days, I still could get glances and murmurs from everyone at school. Some girls had stopped by at my table just to gossip things about how Connor was like during the times he was in love with a girl. Apparently, this girl they were talking about gave false hopes for the guy. So when Connor was about to confess, that was the only time she said that she's already committed to someone else. And so, Connor disappeared after that day, and ever since he would like a girl, he would disappear just to forget the feeling.

I found it ridiculous and at the same time, confusing. Why would he even let himself fall for a girl if he's only going to erase the feeling after knowing that he's starting to fall?

"Oh my God," Ariel gasped beside me. I glanced at her with a confused look on my face. Her eyes were wide and she looked like she'd seen a ghost. "He's back," she whispered.

I blinked twice before letting the words finally sunk in. He's back...

My gaze fell on the person in front of us, an indifferent look plastered on his face. Some of the students around us were murmuring too. I could hear some of them but I chose to ignore their words. The only thing I was concerned about was he's back. Connor was finally back and I didn't know what I should say to him.

"I hope no one bothered you when I was away," Connor said, but not to me. He was looking at Ariel but not to me. He was about to smile to Ariel but not to me. He's not even acknowledging me. What happened to I'll make this one the best and show you the same familiarity? Somehow, my chest constricted in pain. Not because he wasn't giving me the second look, but because he made me believe with his words and I was stupid enough to actually think he'd give those to me. Who was I anyway?

I looked down, taking deep breaths as I mentally counted in my head. "I'll see you around, Ariel," I said before finally walking away.

"Lunch, Mary. See you!"

She didn't even ask if I was okay. What a funny thing to think.

"Looks like Connor's back."

I recognized the voice but not his name. "Why are you talking to me anyway?" was what I asked instead.

He smiled as he leaned on the locker beside mine, crossing his arms across his chest. "Because I'm the only one who see that you need someone to talk to," he said.

I stopped for a while to process his answer. Was I that too obvious? But before thinking about that, I had to know his name first.

"I'd rather be on my own than talk to someone I don't know," I told him. It was smooth and he would definitely tell me his name again.

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