25. Camp Day One

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I hugged mom and dad

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I hugged mom and dad.

"You'll call us when you get there, okay?" mom said, squaring me on the shoulder. I nodded. "I'm so happy you're finally going out with your friends."

I smiled. "I am happy too, mom. I never thought I'd even go out as far like this."

She tucked some hair behind my ear. "I know we move every now and then. We're trying our best to make the next project accessible here so that we won't have to transfer again. I know how hard it is for you," she explained.

It made me tear up a little. "Thanks, mom."

She wiped the corner of my eyes. "You know that your dad and I are doing all of this for you, right? We may not have much time to bond, but this is all for you. Okay?"

I nodded, smiling. "I'll see you in two days."

She kissed me on the forehead. Exactly, Ariel arrived but she stopped by at Connor's. Dad gave me one last hug before I walked over to Connor's car.

Ansel texted me that he's not going to bring his car so that meant we're all crashing in in Connor's car. I begged him to bring his own but he said that it's much easier, convenient and more bonding time to be just in one.

"Mary!" I heard Ariel's excited voice.

I turned to face her. "Hey. Aren't you the excited one," I told her.

"Well yeah, aren't you?" she asked.

I was about to say my answer when my eyes went over her shoulder. Connor just got out of his house and behind him was Abi. Was she there all along?

"She arrived just a few minutes before I did," Ariel said, noticing what I was looking at.

I looked back at her and faked a smile. "I'm not asking."

She gave me a look.

"Okay! I might have," I sighed, "but not out loud," I finished softly.

Ariel linked her arm to mine. "Don't worry. She's not going to ruin what you've plan for this trip. I know you've been looking forward for this as well."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not thinking she's going to ruin things," I informed her.

Connor and Abi stopped by in front of us. "Who're we waiting?" Abi asked all too cheery.

"We're waiting for Ansel. He's five minutes away," I answered her.

She smiled at me. "Okay." Then she walked over to the car and got inside. She sat in passenger seat and I was so glad she did.

We ended up choosing Lake Dennison in Winchendon. It's a four-hour drive from Eston and that's a long drive. I didn't want to be stuck beside Abi if that's going to take that long.

Ansel arrived after fifteen minutes.

"What took you so long?" Ariel groaned, getting up from the lawn where we had been waiting for him.

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