27. Sunrise Beauty

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I shook Connor's almost dead body for the third time but he still wouldn't budge

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I shook Connor's almost dead body for the third time but he still wouldn't budge. All of them were such a heavy sleeper. Even Ansel hadn't woken up to my already annoyed voice. Not to mention, I was the last one who slept.

"Come on, Connor. Wake up," I said, this time a little higher.

He groaned then rolled around, facing me. His eyes fluttered open and I did my best to show my morning smile.

He frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked, almost inaudible.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on, get up. It's almost five AM." I pulled him by the arm but still, he didn't move.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked with accusation in his tone.

I deadpanned. "I'm going to bury you alive, so come on."

I heard him groaned again but the rustled of the tent made me smile as I knew he finally got up. I stretched for the second time and waited him to step beside me.

"This better be good," he said with a sigh.

"Run with me along the trail then let's catch sunrise together," I said. I took his hand and started walking but he abruptly stopped. "What's wrong?" I turned to face him.

"What are you doing?" he asked. He had a serious face. I didn't answer him. What happened last night was something I knew I would regret in the future that's why I was trying to make it up to him now. I didn't want him to ignore me again.

This time, I was going to make it right and to do that, I had to get the boy I liked.

"We're just going to run and catch sunrise," I said again.

He pulled his hand away. Sighing, he said, "There's something else, I can tell."

"Okay, you got me. Are you coming or what, though? Because if you say no, I'm gonna do things that you won't like. If I have to pull you on your feet, I will." I made sure that I had a serious face on. "The thing is, Connor, I'm so attached to you that I don't want to let you go. You have to come with me and see that sunrise."

"Why?" he asked, crossing his arms.

I took a deep breath. "Because we're going to start again."

It had been three months but it felt longer than that. Connor had been my safe haven in Eston. I couldn't just leave him somewhere and then regret if someone got him.

"What? You're taking too much time right now, you know."

Without saying a word, he walked towards me and pulled me in a very tight hug. I was speechless for a few seconds and was unable to move because I was too stunned at the moment. If there was something he wanted to say from this hug, I could hear it loud and clear.

He wanted to start over as well.

And that made me smile. So I hugged him back, resting my head on his chest.

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