Potion's Class

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.......... Reader's Point of View ..........

   "(y/n)? (y/n), wake up! Wake up!!! (Y/N) WAKE UP OR I'LL HIT YOU ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD WITH THE HEAVIEST BOOK IN THE LIBRARY!!!!", Hermione screamed. My eyes suddenly shot open and I looked up to see Hermione in her robes and a concerned look in her eyes.

   "Huh? What?", I ask looking around the room to see I was in the hospital wing.

   "Come on! It's 7:00! We, or rather you, need to get ready for classes!", she exclaimed, sitting down on my bed.

   "7:00! Hermione!", Harry said, bursting through the door. I stood up out of my bed and walked to the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Hermione.

   "Be right back, I have to get ready for class.", I say before walking up the stairs to the girls dorm. I slip into my robe and brush my hair and teeth. I put my hair into braided pigtails and walked down to the common room. Ron had joined Harry and Hermione and was talking to Harry about something making him go red. Hermione was giggling. I walked up to them.

   "Hi Ron! What you guys talking about?", I ask.

He hesitated before saying, "We were talking about Professor Snape, the potion's teacher, and how he would hate Harry so much that he would make him say the most embarrassing thing that he knows with Veritaserum." I laughed. Well, that would be something to see.

   "Guys, let's go to breakfast before I starve to death!", Hermione says grabbing Ron's hand and dragging him with her. I laugh and do the same with Harry. Harry almost jumped when I did this, but you know, it could be just from instinct... right? I sat down at the Gryffindor table and talked to Hermione about potion's class and Ron and Harry talked about... something that boys talk about. Once it was 8:30, we decided to go to the Gryffindor common and wait until class. I sat on the couch and so did the others. I had Hermione on my left and Harry on my right. Ron was on the right of Harry. Me and Hermione talked about spells and how we wanted to learn spells before potions, but sadly we couldn't and Ron and Harry, once again, were talking about something unknown, but it made Harry as red a tomato so he hid his face in his hands. After about 45 minutes we started heading down to the dungeons for potion's class. I slowly walked in and sat next to Harry, while Hermione sat next to Ron behind us. A Professor with black hair and black robes walked in. I assumed that was Professor Snape.

   "No foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class, as I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art of this potion making. However, for those selected few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and snare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again,... maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you would feel confident enough to not... pay... attention!", Snape said as he walked to the front of the room. He spoke in a soft, low voice with a bit of bitterness as well. I looked over at Harry to see he was making notes to himself at which Snape was saying.

   Unfair! Harry is paying attention! He is writing notes because of it!, I thought to myself. I nudged him in the arm slightly and he looked up from his piece of parchment to see everyone staring at him. He slowly placed his quill in his bottle of ink before just sitting there, doing nothing but staring at Snape.

   "Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me, what I would get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?", Snape asked coldly. Hermione immediately raised her hand. She raised it so high and anxiously that she looked like she was going to explode. Harry look at me then back at Snape before he shook his head slowly.

   "You don't know? Well, lets try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?", Snape said. Hermione's hand shot up once again and now she looked as if she was going to die if he didn't call her. Harry looked over at me again before sighing.

   "I don't know, sir.", Harry whispered as he hung his head.

   "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?", Snape asked. Harry shook his head. Hermione raised her hand higher and now she look like she was standing, but Snape just ignored her.

   "Pretty. Clearly... clearly fame... isn't... everything... is it Mr. Potter?", Snape asked coldly. Then we started our lesson.

.......... Time Skip to After Potions Class ..........

   "That was the worst class ever!", I say to Harry. He nodded his head.

   "Agreed.", he said.

   "We better head to the Gryffindor common room now.", Hermione said.

   "Right...", I say. Ron was to busy staring at Hermione's bushy hair to do anything. I saw him doing this and he look over at me. He had the most confused look I had ever seen! I stifled back a giggle before we headed to the Gryffindor common room.

(A/N) God this was so short. I think the next chapter will be longer... I hope... welp anyway, if it isn't at least three inches remind me to use the killing curse on myself. Also I think I might do a Harry Potter x reader after every year. So stay tuned for that!!! See you in my next chapter!!! BYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

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