Coincidence? I think not.

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I dunno...? Random picture I found while looking online... -Maddie

......... Reader's Point of View ..........

   I soon get released from the Hospital Wing at around Dinner time, and then I head over to Hagrid's to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione already there.

   "Hello (y/n)! Come in, quick!", Harry ushered me in and closed the door behind me. Hagrid was carefully holding an egg and he quickly set it on a table before his burned himself. I quickly sat down next to Harry (Hermione was occupying the seat next to Ron, 'surprisingly'), the egg was slowly rolling around the table and Ron gasped.

   "Where did you get it Hagrid?!"

   "I won it.", then the egg broke open and a little baby dragon crawled out.

   "I thought dragons were illegal!", Hermione exclaimed. Hagrid stayed silent, staring at the little dragon on his counter table. Suddenly, he heard something outside and we all turned towards it, only to see Malfoy standing there. Oh no... He scrambled away before we could get to them and we all panicked. What if he told everyone about Hagrid and the little dragon?!

.......... Draco's Point of View (maybe a little unusual) ..........

   I sprint away from the window and head towards the castle. Oh, Potter's in for it now. I smirk at the thought. Before I get to the castle I bump into a figure and we both stumble over. 

   "Get off me you-", I stop cold. On top of me there is a girl with red hair, minty-green colored eyes, and... do I need to go into further description? Oh my god, did he hair just turn slightly pink? What the bloody hell is wrong with me? Am I hallucinating? I think I am. Oh shut up, Draco. It's... just a girl. MERLIN DRACO. You're an idiot. She's a metamorphagus... She quickly gets off me and runs into the castle. Huh? I didn't even catch her name... or her blood status. Whatever, I'll talk to her later, maybe. I run into the castle and bump right into Professor McGonagall. 

   "Professor! I saw Potter, Weasley, Granger, and (l/n) outside past curfew!!", she quirks an eyebrow at me and we wait for a moment. Soon, they all came into sight at the far end of the hall. I cross my arms and smirk. This'll be good.

.......... Reader's Point of View ..........

   We walk into the castle, only to bump into McGonagall and Malfoy. Oh... crap...

   "Stupid, bloody, git. Idiot, slytherin, pure, filthy-", Ron muttered, but Hermione jabbed him in the ribs. "Sorry."

   We follow McGonagall and Malfoy to her office, Malfoy with his famous smirk plastered on his face the whole time as he stood off to the side. 

   "Mr. Malfoy tells me you four have been outside after curfew, Mr. Potter. I think I've told you that you're not allowed out of your dormitory after curfew? Much less outside?"

   "I might remember something like that...", Harry mumbled and I stifled a giggle. McGonagall sighed.

   "50 points will be taken off Gryffindor, Slytherin.", All of us gaped. Malfoy seemed unfazed, wonder why. He did have a glossy look over his face.


   We probably looked like fish out of water. 

   "All five of you will receive detention. I will owl you what it will be when the time comes.", Harry, Ron, Hermione, and me all smirked and glanced over at Malfoy. Malfoy wasn't really paying attention and he was in his daze until he realized everyone was staring at him.

   "I'm sorry Professor, correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say the 'five of us'?"

   "You heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. If my assumptions are correct, you too were out of bed past curfew.", I feel Harry radiate with happiness from my right. I mimic Malfoy's smirk and look over at Malfoy and start imitating 'my father will hear about this'. I see McGonagall looking at me with a sort of... satisfaction, but I'm the only one to notice. 

   "You may go now."

   "My father will hear about this...", Malfoy mumbled and I mimic all his actions in a very high school girl kinda way.

   "My FATHER will hear about this.", I say in a high pitched tone. He glares at me and walks off in the direction of the dungeons. "I wonder how cold the dungeons are. Ah, well. Fits a Slytherin's personality...", Harry laughs.

   "True.", we walk into the Gryffindor common room and go our separate ways. I wonder what our detention will be...

.......... Draco's Point of View ..........

   I angrily walk into the Slytherin common room. WHY DID I GET DETENTION?! I'M A MALFOY. I DON'T GET DETENTION. Pansy walks up to me and drags me over to the couch. STOP. NO! LET GO. WHY IS MY LIFE SO HARD?!

   "Pansy! STOP. I. Want. To. Freaking. Sleep!", I shake her hand off my wrist and run up into the boys dorm. God, WHY IS SHE SO ANNOYING?! I get into my pajama's, lay on my bed, and think about random things that come to mind. 

... Who is she? The one with the changing hair?

(A/N) Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in... forever... 

By the way, lazynugget, you are officially introduced into the story.

Delphini_ , I'm gonna introduce you in the next chapter, SO DON'T LEAVE ME BEFORE THAT! 

Hope you liked the chapter aaaannnddd... GOOD BYE FOR NOW!

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