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.......... Harry's Point of View ..........

   I blush slightly when I saw all the very few people left here for Christmas Break staring at me because of what I had to do yesterday as I head to the Gryffindor tower.

   No one is going to let me live it down, aren't they? 

   Plus, I couldn't tell anyone that someone made me do what I did, because it came along in the deal, and that completely sucks. Just like Snape's Potion essays. And while I'm talking about what sucks, lets just say my life in general. It's like immediately when I figure out I'm this special thing called a WIZARD, it's decided that I have to face off this evil wizard as well and Voldemort's like... what? 70 years old? And he's ancient. But of course, there's always that possibility that he's actually dead... but Dumbledore doesn't think so, so I'll just follow that thought as well... I'm sorry I'm rambling now.

   Right now I'm stepping into the common room, and I'm the only one there, because it was like... 12:00 a.m.? More or less time for lunch.

   (y/n)'s was in the Hospital Wing for a day after she fainted from... shock was it? Or something like that... and she gets out in a few hours... the only thing is, is that she refuses to talk to me. She tells Madam Pomfrey not to let me in when I come, but Hermione and Ron can come! Why not me?! I could maybe tell her that it was a dare from the twins, but then again what if Fred and George are watching? I'm sure then I would've done all that crap yesterday for nothing, so I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut...

   Suddenly, I decide to go to the Hospital Wing, even if (y/n) doesn't want to see me, I'm going anyways. I mean... I have to tell her I actually don't like Malfoy, because if I didn't then it could ruin our rela-friendship (a/n - I actually wrote relationship at first *sue me*), and I wouldn't want to lose a friend, either, because even if I'm praised, nobody wants to be my friend for some reason...

   As I arrive at the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey looks at me and sighs before opening the door reluctantly, knowing who I was there to see. 

   I rush in, looking around for (y/n), but she wasn't there.

   There goes my courage that I gathered up for nothing...

   I immediately leave to go to lunch, finding everyone staring at me on the way there. 

   "Could you all just STOP FREAKING STARING AT ME?! I mean, I know I'm really good looking at age 11, but that doesn't mean I'm a stalker-ish kinda person! Stop looking at me! I don't! No, no, no. I don't! I don't like- MMPHAGERAGGGGGGG!!" I cover my mouth and walk away, fuming, towards the Great Hall.

   Now even more people are looking at me (which means the some Professors are) like I'm some insane lunatic that just tried to strangle the wall... 

   As I enter the hall, I quickly sat down in an empty corner, away from Hermione, Ron, and... (y/n). 

   Why does life hate me...? 

   "HEY, POTTER!" I heard the most annoying voice on Earth call out to me. 

   "SHUT UP BEFORE I SLAP YOU!" I shout back at Malfoy. 

   "Now, would you really have the guts to do that, Potter?"

   I turn around and glare.

   "Try me."

   He hesitated, never seeing me so angry before. 

   Ha. Ha. Ha. This is so funny I forgot about my lunch.

   "Piss off, Malfoy." I say monotonously, taking off my glasses and cleaning them on my robes before putting them back on again. 

   He sneered before walking away. 

   I sigh, exasperated as I lay my head on the table and putting my hands on the nape of my neck and then pulling my untidy hair, which I suddenly noticed was extremely soft... not like that mattered at the moment. 

   Suddenly, my scar begins to burn and I quickly sit up straight, my palm pressing against the lightning bolt shaped memorial on my head as tried to keep the cry of pain by biting my bottom lip fairly hard and I look around, but I only see Quirrell passing by. What the...

   I slowly stood up and quietly followed him out of the Hall, and into the the 3rd floor corridor. 

   This was the place I ran into that one night... what's he going to do with Fluffy?

   Hang on... why am I suddenly thinking about Norbert?

   Then Snape came around the corner and dragged Quirrell off.

   How did Hagrid get the egg? He said he won it... but does everyone keep dragons in their pocket for gambling usage?

   "It all makes sense..." I whispered, jumping and letting out a silent scream when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around to see (y/n). 

   "I know, Harry. Let's go talk to Hagrid while 'Mione and Ron are at library, okay?" she whispered and pulled me in the general direction towards Hagrid's hut.

   "Okay..." I still felt shocked that she was actually talking to me after the... incident. "Let's go." I grab her hand and me and her run over to Hagrid's.

(A/N) - I'm so sorry the last chapter was so weird. It just came into my brain :I 

ANYWAYS, the next chapter will be here soon!

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