Wizard's Chess & Potions

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When you realize that your first book is coming to an end already... *cri* But, I can't believe we already have about 13K reads, 600 votes, and 750 comments! It's so many!!! Thank you guys :) I honestly thought this book would be small... and not noticed as much. Also, if you requested to be added into the book recently, I might not be able to add because I've gotten like five billion requests, and if I have added, you won't be featured as much as the original characters, including the reader. So, sorry about that :) (That was long...) ~Maddie

.......... Harry's Point of View (I'm sorry I'm putting it in his POV so much...)..........

   "How are we going to get past THIS?" (y/n) muttered. 

   "Simple, you play across the board to get to that door." Ron pointed towards the door across the hall.

   "Smart kid, you are." I snorted, and Hermione just rolled her eyes and facepalmed. "But still, should we get on with it? I don't like standing in here watching the chess pieces look at us creepily." They really were staring somewhat are us and it was kinda freaky. 

   "Yeah, 'kay." Ron said, "Okay Harry, you be that bishop over to the right, Hermione, you be the rook, and (y/n), you be the queen."

   "What will you be?" (y/n) asked as she walked over to her spot.

   "I'm gonna be a knight."

   "Why d'you get that? And I'm stuck with a bishop?!" I exclaimed sarcastically. 

   "Oh, well, I mean I guess we can switch but-"

   "I was just kidding."

   "Right. I knew that."

   "Okay since we're black pieces, the white should be moving first, correct?" Hermione asked as everyone got into their places, and Ron nodded a yes and began to wait for the white pieces to play.

   "Wait, wait, this won't be violent, will it?" (y/n) asked. 

   "Well, let's see." Ron responded as the white pawn moved forward two spaces. He told one of the black pawns to come diagonally to the white pawn, and the white pawn pulled out two swords and sliced the black pawn in half. "Yes... this'll be actually like real wizard's chess..."

.......... Time Skip To Near the End of the Game (Reader's Point of View) ..........


   "Shush! Can't you see I'm having a stare down right now?" Harry responded to me as he stared back at the white bishop that was right in front of him, which was seemingly giving him a cold glare, to which he returned. It was rather funny, but considering it was a statue that we were playing chess with... just no.

   "Harry, can't you see?! You're only making him more angry!" Hermione exclaimed as Harry stood frozen, staring at the statue like it was life or death.

   "Harry, you've been staring at a statue for more than five minutes-" I muttered to him but he just shushed me, his eyes starting to water up from not closing his eyes for such a long time. Finally, he blinked, and the game continued as he pouted and tried not to look at that certain bishop for the rest of the time.

   "Uh, Harry-"


   "I have to... well..." Ron began before shaking his head and just moving his horse forward, towards the queen.

   "The heck- RON WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Harry exclaimed.

   "You have to check mate the king, Harry. I can't go further than this, apparently." Ron told him before the white queen made his move and struck his horse. Ron fell to the ground unconscious (even though the staff penetrated the horse...) with a scratch on his forehead dripping a little blood down his cheek.

   "Idiot." I whispered as Hermione went to help, but I held her back as Harry moved diagonally towards the king before saying a soft "check mate" and the sword dropping from the white king's hands and Hermione ran over to Ron, checking for any severe injuries.

   "Well... Hermione do you want to...?" I asked trailing off to avoid her embarrassment.

   "No, no. I want to come as well, I could come in handy anyway." she said softly as Harry nodded and moved towards the door at the end of the hall.

   Staying behind just to make sure Ron was okay, I surprised when I didn't hear the door open, but I shrugged it off.

.......... Harry's Point of View ..........

   Before I could open the door to the next task, a white chess knight walked over to me before guarding the door from me.

   I groaned, "What now?"

   "You need to answer a question."


   "'I can start a war or end one, I can give you the strength of heroes or leave you powerless, I might be snared with a glance, but no force can compel me to stay. What am I?'" it asked quietly, and I froze; I've heard this question before, but I can't remember where.


   "You may continue." it spoke loudly before the doors opened by themselves and he stepped out of the way and let me continue. 

   I called (y/n) and Hermione over, and they both came quickly, and we continued on into the dark chamber.

   On the other side, there was a table with seven different bottles and a fire wall on the other side of the room, and Hermione looked like she was going to burst with excitement. 

   "I'll do this one!" she exclaimed and ran over to the bottles, picking up a piece of paper that strangely looked like Snape's penmanship. "Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind, two of us will help you, whichever you would find, one amoung us seven will let you move ahead, another will transport the drinker back instead, two amoung our number hold only nettle wine, three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line. Choose, unless you wish to stay here for evermore, to help you in your choice, we give you these clues four: first, however slyly the poisons tries to hide you will always find some on nettle wine's left side; second, different are those who stand at either end, but if you would move onwards, neither is your friend; third, as you see clearly, all are different size, neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides; fourth, the second left and the second on the right are twins once you taste them, though different at first sight." she read out loud from the scroll of parchment, "Easy enough..."

   I snorted, "Yeah, I didn't get any of that." 

   "Oh, should I read that aga-"

   "No no no!!! That's fine you just figure it out please or we'll be stuck here forever!" (y/n) exclaimed and Hermione held her hands up in self defense.

   "Alright, alright."

   After rereading to riddle to herself, and staring at the bottles, occasionally picking some up and sniffing them before placing them back in their original spot, she finally picked up a small-ish bottle full of teal liquid and a swirl of pink in the middle and turned to hold it out for them.

   "It's only a big enough proportion for two to drink, so I'll have to stay here while you two go on, okay?"

   "Will you be alright waiting here though?" (y/n) asked, and Hermione nodded.

   "If I stay here and listen hard enough, I'll be able to tell when Ron wakes up, aswell. So you two go on."

   "Alright." I sighed before taking the bottle from Hermione and unstopping it, taking a small swig from it to leave some for (y/n) aswell, before she drank the rest and we waved goodbye and stepped through the fire.

   On the other side was a dark room with a lot of pink smoke, the occasional pink bubble popping in our faces as we struggled to see. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, the light too bright for us to see for a while, and I gaped at what I saw when my eyes adjusted.

(A/N) - I'm adding a little something for reader-chan to do, if you haven't been able to tell yet. I mean, Ron got wizard's chess, Harry got flying away from keys, and Hermione got the potions, so I supposed I'd add something as reader-chan's specialty. I'll try to post the next chapter by Friday or Saturday!! (P.S. - It's like 3:30 A.M. where I am right now...) ~Maddie

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