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.......... Reader's Point of View ..........

   Why is Quirrell here? Why is he staring at a mirror? What the heck's going on?!

   "Ah, I knew you two were going to find me here." he said, turning around to face us, "After I saw you watching me go through the door of the forbidden corridor."

   "Wait- what?!" Harry exclaimed, "This isn't right! It was Snape, not y-"

   "Everyone always thinks Snape is such the rebel, don't they?"

   "Mmphggythhhh?!" I seriously just made the most confusing noise ever out of my shock. Yeah, imagine someone you know making a muffled sound between a snake and a bird. Yup.

   "Now, you girl-" he pointed to me, "need to leave."

   "Excuse me? I'm not sure if I heard that correctly." I said as I stared at him in mild confusion.


   "No way!" 

   Then, there was a faint hiss of what seemed to be actually English said, "Bind her up or gag her if you need to. She cannot interfere with this exchange or everything will go wrong."  The room seemed to go cold at those very words and, almost immediately, Quirrell whipped out his wand and pointed it towards me, and he muttered a spell that sent snake-like ropes to tie my hand behind my back as it wrapped around my torso. 

   "THE HECK YOU DOING?!" I shouted, and Quirrell was about to say another spell before Harry grabbed his wand from his back pocket and pointing it towards Quirrell shakily. 

   "Let me talk to Potter." the voice hissed again, and Quirrell looked away and into the distance and he seemed to speak to it fearfully: "But, master, you haven't regained enough power to-"

   "I have enough to do this, Quirrell." it said back angrily, and Quirrell just nodded before he started unwrap his purple turban. The heck?

   Once it was all the way unwrapped, I was a mix between kind of scared and, well... trying not laugh at the thought the most dark wizard is on the back of some DADA teacher's head... wait weren't Ron's brothers, Fred and George or something, throwing snowballs at the back of Quirrell's head the other day...?

   Voldemort stared at me, trying to put on a glare but kind of failing, considering he was on the opposite side of where a face should be, and then turned to Harry after a moment. 

   "Look into the mirror, Harry." Voldemort hissed from the back of- I really need to stop saying that... even though it's really funny, I need to stop...

   "No way!" he said, hands shaking as he pointed his wand towards Voldemort's face (which was on the back of Quirrell's face)...

   "Fine. Kill her." he said angrily to Quirrell, who immediately pointed his wand towards me threateningly.


(A/N) - Always the cliffhanger lol ~Maddie

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