Happy Christmas

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.......... Reader's Point of View ..........

   "Hagrid, where did you get that dragon egg?" Harry inquired. 

   "I told yeh; I won i'," Hagrid replied suspiciously. 

   "But we need to know exactly how you got it, Hagrid." 

   "Well, I was in a pub... an' this guy came over an' asked if I wan'ed to gamble fer this drago' egg. I ha' a few drinks before then, so it seems a bi' hazy, but I remember I won an' he gave it ter me. Simple." 

   "What did the guy look like?"

   "I couldn't see his face, had a big hood."

   "What did he ask you about?" I asked.

   "Well, he as'ed if I were good wit' magical creatures and I said 'yeh, o' course! I can handle a drago', I mean, I ta' care of a t'ree headed dog!'"

   "Was he interested in Fluffy?"

   "Well o' course he was! He said 'How to deal wit' such creatures?' and I tol' him, I tol' him that every creature 'as it's weaknesses. Take Fluffy for example, play 'im some music an' he'll go straigh' to sleep!"

   He paused as his eyes widened.

   "I shouldn't have said tha'..."

   Me and Harry look at each other in shock; Hagrid had told a stranger about Fluffy's secret... 

   We started running towards the castle, ignoring Hagrid's calls.

.......... Time Skip to the Next (I wrote Newt on accident at first) Day (Harry's Point of View) .........

   I woke up to someone shaking me like mad and I groggily open my eyes to see the blurry image of Ron at my bedside. 


   "Come on! Hurry up, you lazy arse! Wake up! It's Christmas~!!!!" he exclaimed. 

   "And I need to wake up because...?" I muttered. I surely won't get anything for Christmas, but I guess I'm used to it...

   "There's presents! See, look!" Ron pointed to a small pile of presents at the edge of my bed and I froze. I can't believe it. I- I got- "And there's my pile!" Ron ran over to his stack and started tearing open the wrapper, putting it into the already growing pile of discarded wrapping paper that surrounded him. Even if his pile was considerably larger than mine, I really HONESTLY didn't care. 

   I got presents... 

   I shoot up from my bed and start opening the first present, which was wrapped in a a shiny silver wrapping with white pine cones etched into it, and I opened it to find a emerald green sweater with an H knitted into it with a packet of fudge, Christmas pies and a bunch of sweets and pastries with a note from Mrs. Weasley. 

   "I see she gave you a sweater too..." Ron said, "Mines always maroon! Why can't I just have... red and gold or something..." 

   I didn't reply as I put on the sweater and eat a piece of treacle tart.

   "Harry? Are you alright?"


   "What's the matter?? Have never gotten a Christmas present before?!"


   "WHAT?! How could you have NOT EVER gotten a CHRISTMAS-" he was cut short but a knock on the door and he scrambled to go open it, "(y/n)! What are you doing here?"

   "I just came to say Happy Christmas to you both. And to deliver the presents I got you two." she replied as I bit into another treacle tart and rose to walk over to them. 

   Ron was already holding his opened present when I came over (it was something from the Chudley Canons. (y/n) slowly handed me a medium sized box that was wrapped in candy cane patterned wrapping paper and and green ribbon tied around it. Taking it gently, I untie the ribbon by pulling at a lose strand and it falls away and I put it in my pocket (but of course I don't think anyone saw that... maybe) and then carefully take off the tape without ripping the paper and then unfolding the creases.

   I honestly don't know why I'm taking so much care to open this box, but I do it anyways...

   When I open it I almost dropped it. It was a collage of pictures of me, Ron, Hermione, and (y/n)  with a frame of white Popsicle sticks decorated with red holly and small pine cones. 

   There was a picture of 'all' of us passed out on the couch, and we were all laying at weird angles, well... besides the fact I had an arm draped across (y/n)'s waist and she was the only one awake, looking at the camera with a look that kinda meant 'Help... I'm trapped...' and I felt a warmth go onto my cheeks as the picture (y/n) grabbed my hand put it against my chest. Then there was another where we were all laughing at the tree near the Black Lake, sometimes we would fall into the grass only to sit up again with your cheeks flushed from laughter. The last picture in the frame was at the bottom right corner and it was all of us in the Hospital Wing, waiting for (y/n) and me to get out as we talked about nothing in particular. 

   Then, I noticed I small tab of plastic protruding from the right side of the frame and it had a little 'pull me' sign on it and I did, and it slowly dragged out a small picture in a (f/c) frame of just me and (y/n) hugging for a few seconds then pulling away with smiles on our faces.

   I slide the picture back into it's place then walk over to (y/n) and wrap my arms around her waist and hug her.

   "Thank you so much!" I uhh... 'kinda' whispered... not really but I like to think so. 

   Then I remembered Ron was still there and I pulled away to see him trying not to smile about something. 

   "Don't get any ideas, Ronald!" I imitate Hermione's voice and we burst out laughing before I go to finish opening my presents...

.......... Time Skip to a Few Minutes because... I actually don't know ..........

   "HARRY! You're invisible OH MY GOD!!!" (y/n) shouted and I look down to see my body missing.

   "AHHHH!!!! WHAT IS THIS THING!!!" I yell and shrug it off and the piece of silky cloth landed on the floor with no noise at all.

   "Harry... Who gave you that?!" Ron asked.

   "I don't know! It didn't say... Why do you ask?"

   "Because that's an invisibility cloak! And they're really, really, REALLY rare! You said it came with a note? What did it say?"

   "It said 'This was your father's, use it wisely.' No signature."

   "Well... there WILL be more sneaking out now- OW!" Ron was cut off by (y/n) playfully slapping the back of his head. 

   "Nuh-uh!" (y/n) said, "No why am I getting into that thing..."

   "What if I made you...?" I ask, trying to hide my smile by eating a pumpkin pasty.

   She blushed a bit then frowned.

   "... No."

(A/N) - I appreciate all the comments!! The next chapter will be out soon! 

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