Chapter 22 - Terra

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Fifty-three days before....

I got home and dropped my bag on the ground before my legs gave out and dropped me onto the mattress.

I was so tired and my head pounded. I just wanted to be lulled gently into sleep, but it looked like my body wasn't accepting it.

I didn't make eye contact with him the rest of the night, and mostly because Agent Byligan took me away to another room to fill out paperwork. I never knew the feeling of truly being alive until I was signing papers with my consent to not tell anyone about Project X or I would go missing as a special agent in the government hounded me on what not to do around a superhuman.

"You know where you are, but he doesn't. Don't tell him that. Or your age. That idiot Chesil gave away your first names, so just go by that. I see here that your name isn't Terra, but you go by Terra. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Is there anything wrong with your first name?"

"No, sir, I just don't respond to it anymore."

"Fine. Go by Terra. No other names, got it?"

"Got it."

"I will do the talking until I instruct you differently. Take notes and study his behavior and what he says when I talk to him. I hope you don't get offended easily."

"Not really--"

"Good. Because he will probably try to offend you or set you off in some sort of way. Don't give in, but don't taunt him, either. Is that clear?"


I wondered what he was doing the whole time. Was he still sitting there like he was before, or was he walking around and talking to the doctors in the Research Room? My mind was filled with so many things, and though I prepared for paperwork and instructions, I still just wanted to get through it as quickly as possible.

I had motives, and I couldn't carry them through with three piles of papers in need of my signature sitting in front of me.

The main thing that I wanted to do was talk to Xander, but now with my instructions to not do that, I didn't know what to do.

Glancing over at my backpack with my unfinished homework inside it glaring at me, I decided to get up and be productive for the last few hours until sleep took me.

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