Chapter 40 - Terra

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Twenty-six days before....

I felt happy to escape the room.

I knew that I was falling behind in my internship work, and it was starting to give me anxiety. I met with Agent Byligan a few days before, talking with him about what I had done so far. He reviewed me with great surprise, and I was so happy to finally feel even more useful.

Though days passed and Xander was still testing my patience, I felt as though I was possibly finding my nook in this place. I wasn't top of the internship program, and I didn't have access or knowledge enough to do most of the things that the doctors could do, but I felt as though there was a more fitting place for me than before. It took me a while to fit in, but as I made short conversation with the other interns and doctors, and did my work, I felt as though there might be a place for me in medicine.

My dream, though having slightly changed, was starting to work out.

I freed myself from the room with Xander and crossed the hall to the closest supply closet. Though, when I entered, it was larger than a mere closet. It was larger than the room that I was in, much darker, and had rows upon rows of metal shelves with plethoras of medical supplies. Large, stainless steel fridges lined the walls, all filled with different liquids and sanitary surgical supplies. I gulped and looked down at my list, suddenly taken aback by the amount of provisions around me. Hundreds of hospitals around the world have shortages of certain things sometimes, and that in itself could cause people to die, but this facility seemed to have enough for a world war four times over.

The first thing on the list was "ten diamond syringes."


They seem to go through diamond like graphite, like it was easy to find and manipulate. I knew that Xander could barely even be poked with glass without it shattering as soon as it hit his skin, but using diamond here was like using bricks to build a house: there seemed to be an abundance to use.

I found a large red bucket near the door and started to fill it with the things on the list, being more than careful to place them far enough away from each other that they wouldn't break. Cotton balls go on top of the syringes, and sanitary liquid can sit on the other side of the bucket.

After a filling the bucket with half of the list, I decided to set it on top of a rolling cart and start to fill it while it wasn't balancing on my arm.

As I was reaching for a box of large surgical gloves, I heard the door of the supply room open and close.

I quietly set the box down next to a large bottle of isopropyl alcohol in the bucket and stood still, listening.

Suddenly, I heard a click.

They locked the door.

With controlled breathing, I peeked through the shelving units and past the large metal boxes sitting on all of them.

A tall, white figure passed by my vision, and my heart jumped into my throat.

Quietly, I ducked down and started to tiptoe next to the shelving unit closest to me, hoping that maybe I could get a quick look at whoever entered the storage room after me.

Just as I held onto the side of the shelf for support, the metal box closest to my hand shifted to hit the one next to it, making a scraping noise. I gasped and started to hear footsteps come in my direction.

I twisted my foot back, wanting to grab the box that I had and run out until they left, but I tripped over my own ankle and fell to the ground.

A hand wrapped around the crook of my arm and started to pull me up.

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