Chapter Four

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The pack house looked like a mansion

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The pack house looked like a mansion. Its majestic white columns and wrap-around balcony were a testament to the pack's great wealth. A lake rippled before it, giving the house a pristine feel in contrast with the dense forest behind it. There was an empty field beside the pack house where a crowd seemed to be having some sort of a gathering.

Food. He smelled food. In his wolf form, Cadan could smell all the various foods at the gathering. Pasta, cheese, chilli, beans, salads, meat oh the meat! There were all kinds of it, smoked, game, cold cuts, stewed and fresh juicy steaks.

He wanted to howl, to run to the tables and tear into whatever meaty concoction he could find and most of all that steak. Saliva pooled in his mouth and he had to swallow repeatedly to stop from drooling. Just because he was stuck in wolf form did not mean he had to act like a dog.

It was a struggle he undertook not to embarrass Nia, she was a good person and did not deserve what had been done to her. He had been so worried about her, knowing that their lifestyle endangered her unborn child. While were could survive a five-storey drop, being run over without their unborn baby sustaining any injuries, starvation could cause a miscarriage.

Nia might not talk about her pregnancy but Cade knew she loved that child of hers. If the kid died she would probably go over the deep end. Which was why Cade had brought them just inside the Shadow's End pack territory. In all his years alone he had heard them praised above all packs. Surely they would take in a runaway pregnant teen?

He'd nearly lost his cool when that other alpha heir had pronounced their deaths but that had been easily sorted. Never would he have thought Nia would turn out to be the mate of one of the heirs.

The last thing she needed was to be saddled with him, not when the mage King would mow through anything and anyone to get him. His fur stood on end at the thought, a shudder convulsing him from head to toe. If the king ever found out what Nia was, they would have matching cells in his castle. Cade remembered that place too well to risk her capture.

He would stay long enough to see that she was well taken care of then find his own way. After all, he was a lone wolf. Some wolves were not meant for the pack life and he was one.

Nia though needed love and security and she would give her loyalty with the ferocity of well, a wolf. She would never kill this new mate of hers if the need arose but Cadan would. Though he had never killed anyone he knew he was capable of it.

"You brought the rogues with you, why?" An impossibly large Alpha questioned as he flowed through the parting crowd. His rough-hewn features showed strength weathered and strengthened by time and responsibility.

The bigger of the heirs took a step towards the alpha and gave him a slight bow, a sign of respect that showed their familiarity. Instead of answering he turned to another Alpha, a more refined version of the other, who came up behind the first. "Can we go to the meeting room?" The second Alpha nodded, his eyes questioning but he led the way.

The house had a large foyer, a waste of space Cade thought, a hall designed for nothing more than aesthetics. From there they came into a wide hallway, trouping together to another overly large room. Empty except for the conference table that spanned most of its length in the middle.

As he trotted in the larger Alpha glared at him. "Shift!" He commanded not sparring him from his displeasure.

The command burrowed into him, grabbing hold of him to the marrow of his being. Pain like he hadn't felt even on his first shift engulfed him. It raced down his spine, crunched his bones and pierced his mind to bloat out any awareness.

He cried out, a hair-rising sound between a scream and a howl. His throat throbbed with excruciating pain but he couldn't stop. After hours of existing in nothing but pain his mind gave him a reprieve and he lost consciousness.

So I had comments about how confusing the change of pov was so I split the chapter, that's why it's so short.

730 words

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