Chapter Seventeen

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She ran

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She ran.

After the Moon had used her mouth to declare the end of her Alpha's bloodline there was no other choice. Alpha Jake would have risked the Moon's vengeance for the pleasure of ripping her throat out for her and much worse. Given what a sadistic bastard he was, she'd known it'd be a matter of time before he came after her. Which was why she'd already had an escape plan. A plan she'd had for years and had included Nia, but that was not to be. She would never forgive herself for waiting so long, even if it had been at the Moon's insistence.

What had the goddess been thinking to mate Nia with that two-faced bastard? The grief she'd felt ever since she heard what Jake had done welled up from the tight lid she kept it under. Nia was the only family she had, she should've been able to protect her little sister.

She had no idea where Nia was, the goddess had blocked her sight where her sister was concerned and she hated her for that. Tears fell from her eyes, despair draining much of her will from her. All she cared about was getting to her sister, holding her and comforting her.

Two months. Her sister had been on her own for two months. A rogue in an uncaring world. Oh goddess, how had her sweet, gentle sister survived? She knew Nia was alive, felt it in that place where their bond existed. Why had the goddess stopped her from going after Nia?

She'd been driving for three days, barely stopping to rest and eat as she followed her sense of her sister. Tiredness ate at her, her muscles ached and jerked with it. She knew she needed proper sleep and a good meal, but there was no one to go to. No one but Nia.

She swerved as another car almost hit her, coming from the other direction. She hadn't realized she'd gone into the other lane. Her car went off the road, she screamed as she crashed through the underbrush, wrenching the steering to get back into the road even as she hit the brakes.

The car spun. Her scream gained volume but luckily the wheels never left the ground. When she came to rest she was facing the direction she'd come from. Maybe it was relief at her survival, or maybe the accident was the final straw but she broke down and cried.

Everything was falling apart. She had no idea where she was, everything she had had been reduced into the boot and back seat of her old beetle. If it had survived her accident.

She cried for her sister's innocence, cried for all the years they'd been alone and holding onto each other. Their aunt had taken over their care after their mother had died, but she'd never been all that responsible. Taking care of Nia had fallen on her and she'd failed.

Lost in her misery, she didn't sense the wolves that'd been attracted to her screams. Her door was yanked open, before she could react she too was yanked out. With a cry, she fell to her knees. Looking up she met the angry eyes of an alpha-blooded young man. He looked to be in his early twenties, just like Alpha Jake.

Something in her broke, a dam of anger burst against her mind. She screamed her anger and felt her powers rise. Her sight blanked, an inner vision filling her. She saw Nia, saw others more like her sister and knew them. So much unfolded before her, the path she was supposed to take, that of her sister and her new family.

A broken sob escaped her, denial. It'd be long before she'd see Nia again. All strength left her, nothing mattered, she'd lost everything. Even the future she'd seen for herself wasn't enough to comfort her. She needed her sister, needed to comfort and be comforted by her.

Her sight cleared, stricken eyes clashed with the fearful ones of the alpha heir before her. She knew him and saw his intended path as clear as day even without her other sight. But what did it matter?

The heir knelt before her, head bowed as did his companions. "Forgive me honoured one." He begged.

She couldn't acknowledge the homage and had nothing left to give. Curling in on herself she cried some more.

"Leave us." A powerful voice commanded with the kind of power she knew so well, Oracular power.

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now