Chapter Thirty-Five

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You'll go to the the Beta's office now

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You'll go to the the Beta's office now." The Delta stated once Ben and Cade had finished reciting all the pack laws as they did every morning. "He's going to teach you about the financial aspects of packs. After lunch you'll come to the weapons hall for training."

Cade nodded along with Ben, they both knew how futile it was to question the Delta so they thanked him and walked out of his office. The offices were in the back wing of the obscenely big pack house, with a door leading out into the forest from it. Two pairs of mated warriors guarded the doors against any threat or unwelcome company.

Every office had a view of the expansive greenery, they'd been told. A way to calm the wolves' need for the wildness whilst the weres were stuck inside by duty. On the doors were Greek capital letters in gold to identify whose office it was. The female offices had stylized ones and the males were plain Times New Roman with the pairs facing each other.

Since the Deltas were rarely in their offices, theirs were closest to the door. Next were the Gammas whose duties allowed a bit more time inside. Bypassing those, they went to the male Beta's office and knocked.

"Come in." Was the immediate reply.

While it was obvious the man was a warrior, he had a studious look to him. His walls were book lined, even the small spaces bracketing the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the forest. He even had a few free standing shelves to hold more books.

"Right on time," he smiled at them. "Please sit." He indicated the pair of plush chairs facing his desk.

He steepled his hands as his elbows rested on his neat desk. It was obvious he'd been expecting them as his desk was empty aside from a family photo and some office supplies. "So tell me what you know of packs. I understand you were both raised outside them?"

"Yeah, we didn't even know not having an Alpha led to madness." Ben replied with a rueful look on his face.

"So we know next to nothing about packs and Nia didn't want to talk about them." Cade finished.

"Understandable." He straightened in his chair. "I'll give you a sketch of the basics to start with then."

"Were territories, like all mythkind territories, are found at laypoints. Places where the magic of the lay lines that ring the globes is more pronounced for one reason or another. Since they hold an abundance of magic, only those with some form of it can cross, but there's a bit of discormfort in the crossing. Humans can't even pervieve them, some can feel a shiver down their spines when they brush against it but the territories seem to be compressed for them."

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