Chapter Forty-Eight

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This was a nightmare! Why wasn't she waking up from this nightmare?

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This was a nightmare! Why wasn't she waking up from this nightmare?

Even with the Alphas arguing the point, Umbran was winning. It seemed there was an old law that called for a fight in the event that someone had two mates. People didn't know about it since there was no record of it ever happening.

"No." She denied.

Umbran smiled his triumph. "Yes Nia. It's the law, mired in old magic. Of all people, you cannot afford to break old magic."

She knew what he said was true but had no idea why she couldn't break the old rules. Nia had never hated anyone as she hated the dark god right then. Why did he have to enjoy making people suffer? Couldn't he just leave her and Lex alone?

She'd no idea why he wanted her so much, no idea what he needed from her but the one time she'd touched his mind, she'd found a gaping hole. She'd put it out of her mind once she was safely back but now she realised it had been a mistake. Maybe if she knew what he lacked she could bargain with him. How could she have known he'd find a way to trespass where he shouldn't have power to go? A god wasn't supposed to be able to enter another's territory without invitation.

"Now you understand this fight is to the death?" He grinned at his silenced and cowered audience.

Nia looked at Lex with pained eyes. This was all her fault. If Lex died she'd will herself to go with him, she'd have nothing left. Her child was safe with her mother and she was sure the moon would find a way to have him born and raised well. Nothing would make her be with Jake, nothing.

Lex walked to her and cupped her cheek. "It'll be okay Nia." He soothed. "I've wanted to kill that bastard for what he did."

"Lex..." she didn't know what to say.

His thumb brushed over her lips and she parted them. He looked deep into her eyes and smiled a reassuring smile. "I love you." He stated.

"I love you." She answered.

"Okay then." Umbran clapped his hands together and Nia found herself sitting in a private box with him where there hadn't been one.

She looked around and saw that the arena had been transformed to look like a mini colloseum. It held marble columns and a fighting place filled with sand. Every row of seats was bridged by white short walls the people now leaned back against. Looking down, she saw Lex squaring off against Jake, their gazes locked in hatred.

Then with all the dramatics one would expect from a goddess, the moon thundered onto the arena ground. She crashed down with moonlight, only it wasn't as gentle as Nia was used to. A deafening sound revibrated through the grounds and Nia sensed tightly controlled fear and outright panic wash through the crowd. Then her mother stood between Jake and Lex in all her glory.

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now