Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"What do you mean Umbran has her!" The moon goddess demanded

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"What do you mean Umbran has her!" The moon goddess demanded.

Lex wasn't a coward, he'd been raised to accept the most dangerous challenges with his head held high and a confident look on his face. He knew he was fomidable and would become even more so with age. However, he was glad he wasn't the one who'd told the moon goddess her daughters were in danger.

Cade's face paled even more in the face of the goddess' overwhelming rage but he didn't flinch. Maybe he knew beyond a shadow of doubt she'd never harm him. After all he was her son.

Without waiting for an answer she rounded on Lex, accusation and chilling fury filling her eyes. "How did this happen?"

Yes, the goddess blamed him. Who else was there to blame? He was her mate after all and her protection was up to him, he should've gone with her. Should've known her enemies would go after her the first chance they got. He bowed his head in submission, willing the goddess to mete out her punishment on him.

"My mate took them for shopping in New York, they had adequate protection." His father stated, calm as ever.

With slow, precise grace, the Moon turned her head so her icy gaze met his father's. Seeing her, no one would ever doubt her as the mother of werewolves. Her movements delineated her predatory nature, showed her as an apex killer. That cold calculated shifting of position predating unreasoning carnage. "Safe?" She ground out in a voice that had Lex's fine hairs standing.

With effort, the goddess straightened to her full height, "First we save my daughters, and then..." she didn't finish the threat, with all the goddess could do there was no need.

"It wasn't anyone's fault." Ben put in. "Umbran would've come for her here and nothing we did could've stopped him.

The Moon's eyes softened a bit as her gaze fell on Ben. "Perhaps." Was all she said as she turned to march out of the house.

There wasn't any door leading from the Alpha's office to the outside, yet one appeared for her. Instead of leading to the back, the door bypassed all the rooms in the house to open to the front.

As they exited, light crashed onto the empty field to the right of the house. It blinded them and somehow affected their ears even though there hadn't been any sound to it.

Lexion growled, taking charge of their conciousness and flowing into the change. It was fluid, like water being poured from one glass into another. Unremarkable, even as it was a testament of his power and control over his shift.

As the light faded and he was confronted with an armed force of mythkind from all the races, his father stood besides him, growling his challenge to the intruders. He felt Ben and Cade bracket them, unable to shift yet but ready to defend the pack with them.

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now