Chapter Eight

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The bed was the softest she had slept in in recent memory

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The bed was the softest she had slept in in recent memory. Which didn't say much as for the last two months she had been sleeping on a bed of leaves, and the decade before had been a pitiful lumpy mattress. Still, she luxuriated in the feeling of being comfortable.

As she regained consciousness, she fought to go back to sleep. She couldn't recall the last time she had slept this peacefully, covered in comforting warmth. Unfortunately, her mind only sharpened its awareness.

Stretching her aching muscles, Tania opened her eyes to a pillow smacking her face. "What the..." She shouted only to be progressively struck by another. "Hey, stop that!" She demanded as she took the pillow away from her assailant.

She recognised the angry blue eyes in the brown-toned bronze-skinned face. A face she had never seen before. High cheekbones stood out on the rather gaunt face, flowing into a sculptured square jaw. His intense eyes were framed by ridiculously long lashes and enhanced by delicately arched dark brows. Long unkempt black hair framed the beauty of his face.

Nia giggled knowing Cade would hate being called beautiful. "Cade, you're beautiful!" She told him still giggling.

"Uhn," the disgust in his voice had her laughing. "You gave me your life energy." He complained.

"So?" She asked not knowing why he would complain. She had saved his life.

Frustration lined his face as well as his voice. "Nia," he said. "You only have so much life energy and once it's gone, you can't have it back, and you gave me so much." He shook his head and averted his eyes from hers. But not before she saw the anguish in them.

Biting her lip, she wiped all traces of laughter from her face. She had given her life energy a few times before and was still fine. Her mother had known she could and had only ever told her not to let people know. "Cade, you would have died if I hadn't. I couldn't let that happen, not when I knew I could save you."

"You could have died! You still can and all because you healed me." His anguish rang through.

"No," Nia said as gently as she could, getting out of bed to take Cade's hand. He didn't turn to look at her so she tugged it until he did. "I don't know how but I seem to be able to, I don't know, generate life energy? I healed my mum a couple of times when I was a child."

"Nia, that's impossible." He frowned at her shaking his head in denial.

She ran her hand through her hair and winced as it tangled in it. "Which explains why mum told me never to tell anyone. I'm probably the only person in recorded history able to do that," she said as she rubbed the painful spot.

He sat on the bed he must have been on and gave her one of his probing looks, something that hadn't changed with his shift. "You didn't tell your first mate about your gift did you?"

A Healer's Pain: Celestial Wolves Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now