Chapter 7: The Gargoyle

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  The graveyard was no more than a series of wooden crosses of random sizes stuck in the grassy loam. Mostly they were painted white and bore a scribbled name, perhaps a date. June led them pass mossy tombstones and old gargoyle statues.

"These are creepy statues," Jacqueline said. She had to be careful not to accidentally hit her head against a wing or arm from the statues.

"Gargoyles are for the wicked. Angels are for the good." June said.

"Who are we to say so?" Vermon asked. "What if the man buried underneath that gargoyle was good and was put there by mistake." She looked at the gargoyle statue who's gray rocky head faced the sky with it's hands clawed out also facing the sky.

June chuckled. "I don't think he was put their by mistake," she said looking at the statue. June stopped in front of a white tombstone. It read: Taken too soon. RIP Anna Sophia. 1992-2016

"She died this year," Vermon said.

"She died last week," June said. "Her step father was visiting her. He never liked her. Never had they liked each other and he visits the day she dies. I Just know it was him but he claimed that she killed herself. Her death was ruled as a suicide but I say murder."

Vermon gave June a chance to wipe her tears away. "Let's find out," She said, putting her hand on the dirt. Vernon's hair fluttered up, startling June and Jacqueline. A gentle wind briefly flew against her face.

"Hello?" A soft voice said.

"Hi," Vermon said with a smile. "I'm Vermon. Your mother is here and we would like to ask you a question."

"What question?"

"How did you die?" She said. There was a long silence. June watched as Vermon's hair constantly fluttered around. She eagerly waited an answer. Vermon finally removed her hands off of the dirt and faced June. "I'm sorry. Your daughter says sorry too, but it was suicide."

June immediately broke out into tears. "But why?" She said through her sobs.

"She said you didn't pay attention to her. You wasn't there when she needed you." Vermon said. She then placed a hand on June. "But she says she's better now and that Maxwell is with her."

A smile grew on June's face. "She's with her brother," she whispered. June then hugged Vermon. "Bless you."

Vermon watched as June wiped her tears away and laughed to herself. She seemed to be happy to hear that her daughter wasn't alone and that she was better. Jacqueline took Vermon's hand and smiled at her. "Come on, you."

Vermon was feeling good about what she had done. They passed the gargoyle statues again and as they did,  Vermon noticed something. The gargoyle's face no longer faced the sky. It faced her. The cold stone eyes looked at her as if it stored emotions of anger inside it. The claws also faced her creating an image in Vernon's mind that the statue would come alive and grab her at any moment. She quickly turned away and held on tight to her mother's hand.

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