Chapter 14: Beware

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"Hey, wait up!" Vermon yelled. Mr. Sanders walked swiftly ahead of her, holding his hat. They've been walking for ten minutes. They walked past the graveyard and past the stores. The two finally reached an empty field filled with tall grass.

"Fascinating! Truly fascinating!" he said aloud. Vermon wondered why he kept saying fascinating every 3 minutes. He finally stopped at a small rock that rested in the middle of the field.

"You can speak to the dead, correct?"

Vermon nodded. "Yes."

"That is fascinating, I must say," he said looking at the grave. "My father died three years ago. Before he died he told me that there would be a child chosen by the universe to talk to the dead. He said that he would wish to speak to you. Now you're here."

"Wow, really?"

Mr. Sanders smiled. "Yes, I'm so nervous on what he wanted you for."

"Me too," Vermon said. She placed her hand on a small lump of dirt and grass. Mr. Sanders gasped when he saw her hair flow.

"Hello?" Vermon said.


"I'm Vermon. I'm here with your son," she said.

"I knew you would come. What's your name?"

"Vermon," she said.

"You're the one."

Vermon smiled.

"You're the one it wants..." he said.


"Hasn't anyone told you the dead is not to be spoken with?" he said. "Your conversations with the dead has made a passage way back to Earth for Cody."

"Cody? But he's only six?"

"Cody is a 201-year-old omen. His grave says he's six to avoid people from digging up his grave and making him into an attraction," he said. "He was born with the face of an owl and the body of a human being and his body does not decay. Thus so, you must not communicate with the dead, or he will break through to Earth and take your soul."

Vermon was confused. "But why me? I don't understand."

There was silence. "I have to go. He follows your voice. Beware."

Mr. Sanders placed a hand on her. "Your power fascinates me, it does. What bothers me is that people who are able to speak to the dead, have a past full of violence and evil. Tell me, Vermon. Who raises you?"

"My mother."

"Is she evil?"

Vermon shook her head. "No." She then thought about what was underneath her floor. Who was under there, and why? She needed answers and she needed them fast.

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