Twenty Seven

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I wake up to someone humming and I try to move but I’m completely immobile. I can’t think clearly but I know that this isn’t normal. As my eyes seem to start to focus again, I can hear the humming even louder and footsteps along a wooden floor. Suddenly there is a face in mine and although I want to rear back, I can’t due to some unknown force.
“You’re awake… I’m surprised. Usually you Normals pass out for days. Don’t even know what hit ya. Then again, you’re an RH- so that could be the case. As I said before, I haven’t had one of you in a coon’s age so I may have forgotten the effects of my poison. And yes, you were poisoned.”
The face moves away and I see that it’s Triffin from the roof of the hotel. I remember that he’s a blood-albino and curse my luck for falling into his hands. I look around but can’t see where I am because of my position, but I can’t find Nalak either. I try to look around as far as my eyeballs will roll but I see nothing.
“You lookin’ for your friend? He’s right here, don’t worry. Did you want to see him?”
Triffin moves and then I see him flop Nalak down on the ground in front of me and Nalak turns his eyes to me. I can see relief in his eyes even though he can’t do anything else just like me.
“See? All safe and sound… well, for right now. Can’t wait to suck you both dry as beef jerky. Especially ya friend here. Ain’t nothing like the taste of a pregnant person but an albino pregnant person? That’s rare in and of itself, so I know for sure you’ll be something savory. Mmm, MMM! And then I’ll have this lil’ RH- for desert. A meal to last all meals… nothing like it…”
Triffin moves from my eyesight again and I glare at Nalak. Pregnant? He’s pregnant and didn’t even tell me? I thought we were friends! After the anger he put me through and the sacrifice I went through, losing my own ability to have children for this guy, and that asshole didn’t even tell me he was pregnant?! If I could move I would punch him in his paralyzed face! I can’t believe he’s done this to me…
“Did you not know?” I hear Triffin say as he looks over us. “Well I’ll be… I thought you would have known. Yall two seemed to be good friends. Don’t good friends tell each other everything?”
Nalak suddenly flies back and hisses like a cat. Triffin jumps back as Nalak makes this growling noise I’ve never heard him do but he doesn’t move again.
“Looks like yours is wearing off. I might have to give you another dose… then again… I don’t want to hurt your offspring… How about this then; we’ll help each other out as common albinos, yah? I’ll drain ya friend and then you can have his remains. See, you get his flesh and I get the blood. That a good trade off, cher?”
“Over. My. Dead… Body!” Nalak forces himself to say.
“Ooh hoo, well lookie here. You got some spunk! I like it when my prey has spunk. It makes it all the more interestin’ when they feel their life bein’ drained. The look in their eyes as they realize all that sass has got them nowhere… the weakness they feel after each pull… the fading of light in their eyes when all hope is lost… or they’re dead, whichever comes first. And believe me, mon cher, after the first pull, you’ll be so weak that ya can’t run away. You become a slave to the albino that takes ya blood because you can’t just get up and go… With you, it won’t be a problem to keep as a supply but ya friend… well, he might just go quicker due to what he is. And you can forget about your baby bein born… after about the third pull, ain’t nothing gettin’ to that kid to have it survive. No baby for you.”
Nalak says nothing and I narrow my eyes at Triffin. He looks at me and smiles.
“Oh, did that make ya mad? I can tell you ain’t had ya own child. You’re an Empty. I guess telling someone they ain’t gonna have a kid when they obviously can makes you wanna hurt me, don’t it?” I clench my jaw. “I can see it in ya eyes, cher, but you can’t hurt me. I don’t see it in ya to try and bring the hell in your eyes that you want to bring to fruition. No, you’re an observer, someone on the sidelines… you’ll never play the game so I suggest you keep your Empty mind to yourself. Ain’t nothing you can do to change this fate.”
I watch him as he goes to the door and throws on a cloak, putting the hood over his head.
“Yall stay here and veg for a moment while I let the people who hired me know that I have you two in custody.”
He leaves the room and all is silent. I want to ask Nalak why he hid his baby from me, why he didn’t tell me, but he probably didn’t want to hurt me. He knows I can no longer harbor a child within me so bringing up that he could could hurt me… but I could get over that. Anyone who has the ability to have children shouldn’t be condemned for it by someone who can’t. It’s not my fault he is Normal just as it’s not his fault that I’m Empty.
There’s no way we can talk about it right now due to this poison within us so I decide to fall asleep and hope the next I wake that I’m able to move.

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now