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Sakina was amazing! I've never seen anyone move like that. Snake Dance indeed! When the dance is over everyone cheers and Sakina gives a bow, her boobs pressing together in that bikini top and almost pushing out of it completely. That little bit of action starts up the whole group and everyone seems to dash to the stage trying to get some sort of feel. Sakina giggles but I can tell even from where I am that she isn't happy. She is doing this to support her family and that is the only extent. A few minutes later, a bouncer comes in and makes everyone move away from the stage.

"Everyone who ordered extras can stay but the ones who paid the cover price need to leave."

I sigh, thinking that me and Nalak are the only ones who just paid a cover charge but apparently a lot of the other guys did too. They probably just couldn't afford it. I mean, we could but I wasn't here for that. As we start to leave, I get as close as I can to the stage.

"Sakina!" I yell, waving my hand. "Sakina, over here!"

She turns, seeming shocked, and she finally sees me as I'm being pulled away by the crowd. She seems to have a confused look on her face.

"Meet me in your dressing room! DRESSING ROOM!" I yell, trying to be heard over the buzzing of the crowd.

I don't think she really heard me and the door closes behind me. Nalak is there, waiting for me with his arms crossed.


"This kid says you've got something I might like." The bouncer says.

I look at Nalak and he points to my pocket. "Flower..."

I remember what he's talking about and reach into my pocket, pulling out the flower pin that Mr. Mure had given me when we met. I hold it out to the bouncer and he holds the pin up the light, looking like he's looking for the watermarks on a $100 bill.

"Who gave you this? You steal it?" He asks, lifting an eyebrow.

We don't say anything for a little bit and then Nalak elbows me in the side, clearing his throat.

"Uh, uh... no. No, we got that Mr. Mure himself. He told us to tell you that 'blackberries top the parfait'."

The bouncer's menacing eyebrow comes back down over his eyes and he nods.

"Well, that's the password. Kiki has about thirty minutes worth of fulfilling the extras and then she'll go back to her dressing room. When she's in, you'll get your thirty minutes in heaven."

Nalak looks at me and gives this dorky smile about the bouncer using the same lingo he did.

"As for now, you two can wait outside of Rainbow Hallway and when she's done I'll call you in."



Nalak goes to the bar and gets us a couple of sodas and hands one to me.

"I didn't think it would be that hard to tell a bartender that I didn't want rum in my Coke or Amaretto in my Pepsi or something. Finally, I had to tell him that I was underage and if he tried to sell me anymore alcohol I would tell Mr. Mure himself, whom I was a personal friend. So we got them for free!" He says with a grin.

"Hey, don't get us busted already. We're like two minutes away from reaching a goal. Considering the shit we've been through, let's not ruin it with snarky remarks to the bartender... but that's great that we got them for free."

"You two here to see Kinky Kiki?" Someone asks behind us.

We turn and a slender man in a business suit is staring at us.

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now