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"Uh... is this legal?"
"No, but it's necessary. Besides, I'm wanted for murder so what's a little license plate switching going to do, huh?" I say, looking over at the car.
Matt is holding onto the glass of the window and I could have sworn he was shaking his butt. I am either really exhausted or just seeing things but then I remembered that ducks and swans and stuff move their tails around. Maybe that's what it was? I mean... I don't turn into an animal so...
"Hey, do your animal qualities come out in your human form sometimes?" I ask, finally getting the license plate off the other car.
"I dunno. Why?"
"Are you shaking your butt in there?"
"Shaking my- What the hell kind of question is that?"
"A simple yes or no one. I mean, if your animal characteristics come out in your human form, then it would be nothing unusual. It just means your body thinks it has a short little tail when it doesn't."
Matt gives me a look. "You're an asshole, Ramey."
"I'm not trying to be... It's just a question."
"Whatever. Continue on with your felonious activities."
He sticks his head back in the car and I shake mine, confused as to why that was angering. I finally get the plates switched and get back in the car, putting it in gear and driving off.
"So, I assume this was the pitstop you were talking about?"
"So then what's this 'hideout' you have for the night?"
"You'll see."
"I don't like the sound of that."
"You don't like the sound of anything I do, Matthew."
"Well, shit, R, how about the fact that since your fucking face is all over the TV saying that you're a murderer on the loose and every camera in the city can detect your face, it makes me a little leery about how we're going to get anywhere with you. I mean, can you blame me?"
"Then cut the attitude and give me a clue here."
"I think you need to realize who the hell you are, Matthew Achilles. I know I'm not exactly the best big brother, but that's what I am to you. I'd like it if maybe you'd show the tiniest respect for me. Just once."
Matt didn't say anything and I look over at him as he looks out the window with his arms crossed. I sigh and turn the radio on for some music as we head into town. I thought maybe Matt would be a little bit better than he was before about being such a butt to me but I guess not. I don't know what to do with him, really...
"Do you think that Italian guy killed Dad?" I hear him say softly beside me.
I look at him as he looks out the window and I can tell he's exhausted. When I think about it, I guess he has every right to be angry and confused and snippy. He's probably been hiding for days, maybe even weeks now. He's had to stay on guard for all that time, trying not to get caught, knowing that something bad happened to Mom and Dad. He didn't need to take it out on me, but I guess it would make anyone angry and scared.
"I don't think so... I feel like that guy needs him for something. Do I think he beat him into oblivion, yeah, but if he wanted to kill Dad, he would have done it already."
"How... how long were you in hiding? How long did you have to stay a swan?"
He doesn't answer me, and I thought he was ignoring me, but when I glance at him I see a tear run down his face and he sniffles, wiping it away.
"I lost count. Probably a week, probably not... I just remember Dad telling me to hide and not get caught and Mom repeating the same thing. Then I hid and I just tried to make sure I didn't get caught. Swan, human, whatever... When I was finally able to get to the phone, it had been a while. Like I said, I lost track of time."
I reach over and tap him on the arm and he looks over at me.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner. I'm sorry you had to endure that all by yourself."
"Not like you could help it."
"If I hadn't met Nalak then-"
"It would have happened eventually, R. That's the sucky part about the whole thing. Dad and Mom knew that when they forged our hospital records... they knew that one day they would get caught. They had had everything planned out beforehand on how they were going to keep everyone safe, keep everyone from the RDC or from being interrogated except for them. Why do you think he sent Ellie and Bal off? Why do you think he just so happened to make these pendants that did exactly what we needed it to do? It was going to go to hell in a handbasket at some point, they just didn't know when; don't think you're so special."
"I'm not trying to make it seem like it's all about me, Matt... God, I know you're scared and upset and I'm sure you haven't slept properly in days but I'd like it if you'd be a little fucking nicer to me, okay? I'm freaked out too and I feel guilty just leaving everyone and taking forever and a day to get to the Badlands because I'm a dumbass and... just... Why can't you be nice?"
"Being nice never got anyone anywhere."
"Who said that?"
"Then fuck history... Get some sleep, Matthew. Maybe when you wake up I can have a decent conversation with you where you're not busting my balls and being a complete dick."
I see him turn to me but I keep my eyes focused on the road. There's someplace I have to get and I have to get there before the car is discovered.

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now