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I clean up the baby and happen to find the diapers someone had bought for her and wrap her up nice and snug in the diaper. I then find a clean blanket and wrap her up in it as she snuggles in the warmth, falling asleep. I'm sure she's hungry so I go into the living room to ask Sakina about formula. I find Sakina sitting on the couch with her face in her hands and I sit next to her quietly.
"You okay?"
"No... I've got another mouth to feed and I don't have enough of me to sell..."
"I told you that I could help you out."
"Until you leave... when you leave, I don't know what I'm going to do..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you have to get to the Badlands, right?"
I make a face. "Ramey said I could stay here..." I sigh. "Never mind..."
"What are you talking about?"
"R being R... Look, I know you think you don't have any other option, but I'm serious about helping you out. You're R's friend and he really thinks the world of you. I don't mind helping you out."
"But the fact of the matter is that your money will eventually dwindle away into nothing and then what?"
"Well, the Badlands don't seem to care about money. Maybe... maybe you should go to the Badlands and live with your brother there."
Sakina makes a face at me. "A Normal in the Badlands?"
"No offense, but you'd be an Empty in the Badlands, and from what I've gathered, I haven't heard that Normals can't live in the Badlands. It's just not a common occurrence. But seriously, what would you have to lose? The only dangerous thing about the Badlands are the untamed albinos and wild Marked or fluxes but I've heard it's pretty structure there."
"I don't know... either way, until then, I have to have money to pay for everything and I have to try and keep Cash's vitiligo under wraps."
"You seemed pretty prepared already. I found some diapers for the baby and stuff."
"Yeah, that's when I made a pretty good check and decided I should get some stuff for these moments right here. Everyone is starting to get irritated that I'm not old enough to 'do' anything yet and so just a dance show and a cleavage shot isn't going to cut it anymore. If I want to make a decent living, I have to offer other services."
"You're not old enough for that though..."
"Contractually, I'm not, but if you volunteer..."
"No." I grab her hand. "I would never allow that and neither would R. Your brother would be hurt that you would even think that. I'm sure he didn't think he was going to get pregnant, especially due to the fact that he's a vitiligo and all, so you saying that will only make him feel super guilty about it. He would never want to put you in a position like that... besides, Octavia would be hurt to hear you say that as well."
"Octavia is a little girl who doesn't understand what's going on."
"I think you underestimate your little chicken... right?" I say, looking at the hallway.
Sakina looks over as well as Octavia peeks around the corner.
"Were you listening this whole time?" Sakina asks. Octavia nods. "Oh, sweetie..."
"Peep peep peep, peep peep." She says, shaking her head and doing a weird dance.
"I think she's saying she doesn't want you to do that anymore."
"You suddenly understand her?" Sakina growls.
"No..." I sigh. "You're tired and scared and frustrated, I get it, but the fact of the matter is that you have a new life in the world. Cash is going to need you as well as the baby. No one wants to burden you anymore than you are but shit happens and life... is dumb. I mean, I never wanted to turn into an albino; I was just getting a check up at school and suddenly my life turned upside down. Then, to top it all off, I'm pregnant when my best friend can't have a baby. He's nice about it but I know it hurts him every day that someone like me gets to have a baby and he doesn't, but like I said, life is shitty. I'm sure Cash never expected in a thousand years to have to put this burden on you, but she's here. I will help you and R will help you, but you have to trust that we will. You don't have to do this alone anymore."
She is silent for a moment when I hear her sniffling. Her face is covered but she's crying. Octavia puts her hand on her knee and looks up at her.
"Peep peep, peep." She says softly.
Sakina suddenly just bawls into her hands and I awkwardly put my arm around her. She leans into my chest and cries hard.
"I've always had to do everything by myself! I haven't had anyone offer to help in such a long time! I don't know what to do... I... I'm just a kid trying to raise kids and now there's another kid and... and I don't know what to do!"
I rub her back a little. "And that's okay... it's okay to be scared and confused. Just know that you don't have to do it alone anymore. Okay?" She nods. "Now, grab something to eat, take a shower, and take a rest. I can watch the baby and look after Cash for the night. Get some rest and we'll tackle this tomorrow... although, do you have some formula?"
"Actually, I do. I bought a bottle for this very thing. It's in the back of the cabinet by the fridge." She said, wiping her tears and sniffling. "I'm sorry to just... just do this..."
"It's okay." I say with a smile as I get up to go to the kitchen. "Seriously, hurry up and get some rest."
She nods and gets up to make something to eat.

Radioactive - Book 1: Birth 🪼Where stories live. Discover now